My Profile/Life story before the Journey

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Name: Angelina Elen my name means: Little Angel Star I am also sometimes called Laergulwen Elen meaning: Song of Sorcery (laer+gûl) Maiden and Virgin (gwend) Star

Age: 150 yrs or if you will 20

Appearance: I am 5 ft 6 inches tall, long blonde(almost white) hair, pale skin with a fair complexion, and slightly pointed ears, and bright blue eyes, they turn violet when I use my powers. I am nimble on my feet, and have the angility of the elves. I am well built and can hold my own when in a fight.

Hobbies: Music and dancing, I love going for hikes with my pet Wolf(yes wolf)named Methen(Ending), I love the nature and animals, I never once harmed an animal, if anything I try to heal them or even tame them. I don't know why but they seem to listen and like me. I love to spend time with my few friends and practicing my fighting skills(had-to-hand, martial arts, archery and sward fighting/fencing) and also using my powers(SHHHHHHHHH nobody knows i have them on Earth!)

Dislikes: Bullies, school, being bossed around, authority of any kind, rude people, and killing animals or people who hurt them.

Parents: Unknown

Love interest: Nobody yet

Life Story: You see I am 1/4 Elf, 1/4 man, 1/4 wizard and 1/4 Dwarf so I am tall for a dwarf but not tall enough for an elf nor mad/wizard. But the elven/wizard sides gave me powers that nobody else had, nobody knew who my parents were other then Gandalf and Galadriel(my mother was 1/2 elf 1/2 man and my father was 1/2 wizard 1/2 dwarf). Gandalf and Lady Galadriel sent me to "Earth" after Smaug took over Erebor when I was nothing but a little baby girl. After arriving here Gandalf made sure I was put in a safe home till he would come back for me. He does make a visit once a year to see how I am and if I am treated fairly, but he doesn't know that my foster parents abuse me because I am different.


Methen-white male wolf-name means Ending

Lerthenil-white horse-name means Swift Beauty

Erthor-black and white male pony-name means Uniter

Gorog-white male tiger-name means Horror

Achas-white male lion-name means Dread

Arn-black horse-name means Royal

Thirst-black warg-found as a little cub, took him and raised him like I did with Methen.


I do not own any of "The Hobbit" characters. I only own Angelina and her animals and whatever else I put in here.
This is a fanfiction and will be updated when I get a chance, which may be 1-5 days a week before I go to bed. I get confused when writing past tense and sometimes I accidentally use the present tense. please be patient!

Thank-You and enjoy my book. please vote and comment.

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