The Gods Gifts and Home

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As I rode away from Thorin and everybody else I couldn't help but think maybe I shouldn't have come on this journey. I had nothing to offer, and I foolishly gave myself hope that he returned my feelings. I only ever loved one man but he loved somebody else. I stopped the horse and jumped off, landing on my knees and looked to the sky.

"Odin, if you can hear me, please help me. I need your guidance, what should I do? I need to protect the line of Durin. He's made it clear that he hates me because of the elf part." I was starting to go crazy, talking to the damn stars. Odin would never respond. Loki made sure his father hated me.

Suddenly I was surrounded by a bright light and whispers were heard. I knew then that he did hear me. the voice told me I was being granted the gift to skin change and also making sure that I had the power to bring back the dead. Thor was giving me powers of the thunder and lightening, much like him. Suddenly a new voice rang out, saying I was getting the power of a dragon rider and vampirism, just what I needed. To become a monster.

After what felt like hours or days I finally passed out. I was exhausted. I'm a monster with new gifts from the gods, and the underworld. I was most definitely going to be shunned, but then I had a thought, at least I don't sparkle in the sun!

I woke up to Lord Elrond picking me up. "Dont, I'm a monster now. A freak."

"Hush now child. We will get through this. I and the white council will help you." He replied while looking down at me with a small frown.

I looked into his eyes and knew he saw what had happened. I knew he'd do his best to find a cure for the vampire side. I smiled a little bit but then remembered the company and Thorin. "The company, Bilbo, Gandalf! I have to go back! They need me."

"Angelina, they are in Rivendale, Galadriel sent me to get you. Please you must rest. We will be home soon."he replied.

And with that I was out. When I came to, Arwen was putting a dress onto my chair and taking out my tiara. I smiled at being back home with her. I knew I was safe, but what about everybody else? I don't want to hurt anybody, nor did I want to face the company. She turned around and smiled brightly.

"Sister, your finally awake! There's a glass of blood on your table and a bath has been drawn for you to clean up. Father wants you to get cleaned up and dressed for dinner. The Dwarfs have Ben causing havoc and the others are getting impatient. Nobody knows what happened yet, though you will have to tell them later."

"Thanks sister." I sat up and emptied the glass. "I will be out in an hour.."

She smiled then left. I got up and went to my cleaning pool. I stripped and got into the steaming water. I sighed with content. I was home, I was safe and so where the company. I was happy once more but also sad. Thorin hates me and even told me to never come back.

After I was cleaned I got out and used my wind power to dry myself off and put the dress on. I braided my hair and put the tiara on. A true princess once again. I was worried about the companies reaction to me being part vampire. I hate the underworld. Now I just need to find my damn dragon. Why me? I have enough problems. I didn't need this. Sighing I got up and went to the dinning hall, I could hear the dwarfs from outside the door. I nodded to Lazarie to open the doors and announce my arrival.

"Presenting Princess Angelina Elen, Princess of the gods and underworld, adopted daughter of Mirkwood and Rivendale, daughter of Lady Galadriel." She bowed and led me to my seat, right next to Elrond but across from Thorin.

I heard the dwarfs murmur about my title, I wasn't happy with my new title. I glanced at Thorin before I turned to Elrond. He looked surprised to see me, and furrowed his brows. "What does your title mean?"

"It means exactly what it says! I've recently been gifted by the gods from my world, and the underworld. I've also been adopted by all the Elven realms. Making me royalty, even more royal then you, Master Oakenshield." I replied.

I got a few chuckles from Kili and Fili for talking back to their uncle. I smiled at them and then turned to Elrond, "Have you found anything yet? I really don't want to be stuck like this forever."

"Not yet but Arwen and Estel are looking through the books in the library. Although I have a feeling that the book we are looking for is hidden elsewhere."

I stood up and cleared my throat, gaining everybody's attention. "As most of you are wondering, what does my title insinuate? I'll tell you, it means that the gods from Earth have blessed me with their gifts or powers, making me more powerful then before. Also I got cursed by the underworld to becoming a monster. I have a blessing and a curse that comes with a cost. this is not wine in my goblet, nor is it red juice. It is what must keep me alive from now on. I am a monster." I sat back down and took a drink of the blood.

"You could never be a monster. Your still you, even if you have to live off blood. You can drink animal blood, you don't have to drink human or elf or dwarf or hobbit blood. Plus your teeth could help defeat Smaug." replied Balin.

"I'm also a damn Dragon Rider without her dragon and can change into a snow leopard..." I looked to the dwarfs and saw shock written on their faces. "See?! I can't even be normal here! The only upside is that I don't get abused like I did back on earth!" I cried out as I stood up and left the room, leaving the dwarfs, wizard and the elf lord in shock.

I hid around the corner and heard Gandalf yelling at them, "She needs your support right now and all you could do is look at her in fright and betrayal?! You'll be lucky if she doesn't try to take her life now!" I heard a chair being shoved back so hard that it fell to the ground and the heard heavy footsteps, so I ran to my private gardens to think and settle down.

I heard a set of footsteps behind me, but refused to turn around. Suddenly somebody put their hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming and pulled me to an empty room.........

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