Azog and Rejection

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We ran to the trees and I instantly climbed the one in front of me and hid behind it, making myself invisible to the advancing Orcs.

"Quickly, climb the trees and hand on tight. Wargs can't climb." I yelled to the dwarfs, hobbit, wizard and Estel. "I've got you all covered!" They all hurried up the branches and watched as the party of Wargs and orcs came in sight. leading them was none other then Azog.

I glanced at Thorin then Estel, both of which were shaking their heads at me, mouthing to not do anything stupid. "I'm going invisible, I'll silently kill some of these filthy things." I told them.

Being invisible helped me conceal my scent. The Wargs and orcs had no idea what was coming. 'Thorin, incase I don't make it or get captured, I want you to know that I love you.' I said in his mind. Glancing up at him from my spot I could see his disgusted look. 'Well I don't love you. Your a freak and a waste of magic and air.' he sneered back in my mind.

I felt instant heartbreak. One of the things that can and will kill me. My soul mate rejected me. I silently sobbed and watched as Azog said something in Black Speech to Thorin, then he yelled out orders to his followers. Here goes nothing.

I shot three orcs and wargs, killing them instantly. Azog was getting a bit fearful, seeing random followers die but nobody in the company had shot a single arrow. I silently crept up behind him and his warg and stabbed the warg, practically gutting the ugly beast. Azog finally knew who was behind this, he was very mad now.

"Show yourself you piece of goblin dung!" He screamed out.

I walked to the rock that was ten feet away from him and made myself visible. "Goblin dung? I believe you mean to call me bitch. Your the ugly goblin dung." I smirked. Getting him angry was my favorite thing to do. "if you want the Durin sons, your going to have to go through me."

He laughed evilly, "It will be easy seeing as your dieing of heartbreak." My breath hitched and I glanced to the dwarfs in the trees then to Gandalf and Estel. "Your soulmate rejected you didn't he?" I said nothing, keeping and emotionless mask on. "I bet that they didn't even know about him being your soul mate. I don't blame him for rejecting you, your nothing but an abomination, a freak."

I didn't say a word as tears started to fall down my cheeks. I admit I was upset and shocked he even knew about the rejection. "You don't want his head, you want mine. Wanna know why?" My earth slang getting into my speech as I was getting angrier then hell. "I killed your son, I killed your father."

He roared in anger. "Kill her! Bring me her head and bring me her soul mates head as well!"

I frantically looked right at Thorin and mouthed 'I'm so sorry!' While I was distracted I didn't see a warg come from behind me, the dwarfs called out to look behind me but I was too late.

Pain, severe pain is all I felt. If heartbreak didn't kill me, I'm sure this will. The past few months were flashing through my mind as the warg tossed me around like a toy. I could hear screaming and crying from the company. I could hear somebody shouting my name, but I had no energy left. I was fading.

I opened my eyes and looked at the company and Estel, 'I'm sorry I failed you all. I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you everything about me, or sing new songs to get you all to sleep. Most of all I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about my soul mate. Thorin, I'll always love you. Strider, my dear friend, I'll be watching over you." I told them in their minds. Kili and Fili were trying to climb down the tree to save me but Dwalin and Bofur were holding them back. Thorin looked shocked and had tears rolling down his cheeks. Strider was holding back Bilbo and silently crying.

The last thing I remember was seeing Thorin running towards Azog. Some yelling and battle calls, and screeching.

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