Hunting and Goblins

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We woke up just before dawn and left Rivendale. Before we left I said a silent goodbye to Elrond and Arwen. I didn't know if I would ever return after this quest, I only hoped I would with Estels help.

It was pouring out and I was completely soaked and cold. I was practically riding on Fili's back to get some heat. Kili was starting to worry about me because according to him my lips where turning purple.

"I'm freezing and completely exhausted. If we don't stop soon I won't be able to go on without hunting." I told Dwalin. he nodded then jogged ahead to Thorin, talking in hushed tones and at one point Dwalin pointed to me which caused the whole company and Estel to look at me. "What? I'm freezing and all my energy is being wasted with shivering! I may have to hunt soon and I don't want to be near you all of my thirst starts to get the best of me. I can't control it."

"There's a mountain up ahead which means there will be a cave." replied Thorin.

I shivered even more and got pulled into a hug. "Angelina, why haven't you got a water resistant cloak?" Mumbled Estel.

'Strider, it got taken.....months ago by goblins when they attacked and captured me. They let me go after they realized it was me, said they didn't want a war with all the races." I sighed and looked up to him. "I'm sorry. I just so..........." I started shaking violently. "I need to hunt. Guys I need to hunt really quick! And no Thorin it can't wait! Unless you want your company in danger and have me killed I suggest you wait here under the willow!"

Thorin turned and saw how my fangs were protruding when I smiled. "fine, you have half an hour." he grunted then stalked off to the tree.

I sighed and turned to Estel, Fili and Kili. "I'll be right back. Do not follow me. If I find myself in trouble I will mind link you, I promise."

Before any of them could utter a word I zoomed out of there, needing blood. I eventually caught a few deer, and cut the meat and packed it away for meals, I may just come in handy for the dwarfs. When I reached the willow and saw that they were gone I panicked. I thought Thorin loved me, why would he just abandon me?! What about Estel?

'Estel?! Where are you?!' I mind linked him.

'Goblins are below us. He wouldn't listen to me to wait for you. I'm sorry.' he replied.

'Tell the boys I will be there soon.' I said back to him and cut the link off.

Now tog ins the secret entrance the goblins made for me.
An hour later I found the entrance and calmly walked into Goblin Town. I could hear yelling and fighting, I didn't have to read any minds to know the Dwarfs were captured. I walked up behind the Goblin King and some dwarfs saw me but I put my finger to my lips so let them know to not say a word.

"Bring forth the bone breaker. Start with the youngest," the goblin king ordered as he pointed it Ori.

Oh hell no! "Excuse me?!" I bellowed making everybody and everything stop what they were doing to face me. "I believe you have my guides!"

The goblin king trembled with fear. he bowed his head and sank to his knees as did the rest of them. "I'm so sorry your Majesty! I did not know they were with you please have mercy."he begged grabbing my feet and kissing them.

I raised an eye brow put the "king" and looked to my dwarfs and Estel only to find him and Bilbo not there. He must have gotten out. A few of them were cut and bleeding, which made me mad. The goblins saw this and started to tremble even more.

"What have you done to them?! You've beat some of them! You've injured my Cubs! Do you know what I do to those who hurt my Cubs?!" I yelled at the goblins. they started shrieking and begging for their lives. "I end them!" I snarled. "Should I start with your youngest?" I asked calmly.

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