The Village and Heartbreak

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The next day we woke up at dawn and started getting everything packed. Estel and Gandalf were trying to get Thorin to go to Beorns to rest and get supplies, but him being stubborn, he wasn't going for it.

"We don't need anymore help from your friends. We are running out of time to get to the Mountain," he replied to Estels plea.

"Thorin, why must you be stubborn? If it makes you feel better I know of a village near here. The people are friendly and will help us in our time of need. They've been wonderful to me in the past." I told him.

He grunted and turned on his heels, stalking away to Dwalin. I sighed, knowing that this wasn't a good idea to bring Dragon hating dwarfs to my village.

So here we are, two hours later and we are at the secret gate to the village and the land around it. The younger dwarfs were shying away from the tall dark trees.

"Wh.....what this place?" Asked a nervous Bilbo.

I smiled at him and turned to the rest of the company, "I ask you this once and once only! Keep an open mind, do not bring harm to the people or their pets or you will be killed! Their pets are friendly and won't attack unless provoked! I'm talking to the two pranksters in the group, do not do anything stupid! Also these people are very open and not shy at all."

There was a few murmurs of uncertainties but they told me to lead on. I preformed the spell to allow us through the portal/gate to The Land of The Riders and lead them for a few miles before we saw the village on top of the hill.

"Wow, it's beautiful! I've never seen this village before!" Exclaimed Balin.

The company was looking around at the forest that surrounded the village in wonder. The trees were huge and tall, some had spiked branches, there was fallen trees and some burned ones on the ground.

"I, Queen of the Last Riders, welcome you to my home, Land of The Riders, also known as Dragons Keep!" I smiled brightly at seeing my true home. It was the place I could always go to and unwind, I got to help hatch and raise or train the new dragons and the riders/children. My pride and joy in all good accomplishments was right in front of us!

Thorin rapidly approached me and grabbed my neck, "You demon! You lead us to our graves! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you! There is no way that you are my One!" He all but yelled at me.

I had tears streaming down my cheeks, I felt the color leaving my face as I was trying to get his hands from around my neck. "! Y...your me!"

"Your a disgusting human! I can't believe I loved you! I trusted you!" He yelled.

There was suddenly a violent roar that shook the forest, followed my at least ten more roars. I knew what was happening, my dragons and their riders had heard Thorin, they knew he was hurting me.

"Thorin!" Bellowed Gandalf, Dwalin, Balin and Estel.

"Let her go before her people kill you! These dragons are not like Smaug! These dragons hate gold, fight alongside every race that needs help, and also the people have special talents!" Gandalf calmly stated. "now let her go. She has done nothing wrong! Her people will kill you if and when they see you hurting their Queen!"

He let me go and I fell to the ground gasping for air. I was chocking on my sobs and trying to calm myself down. Kili, Fili and Dwalin rushed to me helping me up and leading me to a fallen tree while Gandalf and an angry Estel took Thorin aside to have a talk.

"I'm sorry. I knew you wouldn't want to come if you knew about the dragons. I didn't want my people or their pets to be harmed. I even sent word to ready a feast the other night for tonight and the next few days and nights. To celebrate my coming back home." I was still silently crying and I was still shaking. "He hates me now, he's rejected me twice. This is the final time. I'm either going to fade into my death slowly or I will be granted a new soulmate." I sighed. 'I love him too much to want to let him go. He needs guidance and love.' I said to my friend Ash in our mind link.

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