My "Death"

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I don't know when Thorin and the company joined us, but I spotted Dwalin, Fili, Kili and Thorin. They were spread out, and I knew Fili was to die first. I ran to where he was and started fighting Azog, pushing Fili away. "Fili, go fight another orc, leave him to me."
Fili nodded and ran off to fight along side Kili.

"I knew you would betray me!" Said Azog.

"I will kill you, filth!" I screamed at him.

With that, we started to fight. He would swing at me, I'd dodge or block each swing. He was growing impatient. "I will kill your beloveds." he said as he kicked me into a wall, I saw Tauriel protecting Kili about thirty feet from me. I looked back to where Azog had been, but he was gone. I looked to the falls not far from me, and saw his form at the top.

'Thorin' I thought, he's going to get himself killed! I liked back to Kili and saw Bolog behind him, I ran and got between them. "Go Kili!" I yelled.

Bolog and I fought for at least twenty minutes, he was growing tired, his swings were getting sloppy. I kicked his legs out from under him and had my sward to his throat. "Any last words filth?" I asked him.

"You're going to die, you will never walk this land again. My father will avenge my death!" He yelled.

With a battle cry I plunged my sward into his throat, then got to my knees and started stabbing him repeatedly with two of my daggers. I was in tears now, I can't let the line of Durin die! I must protect them, with my life.

I got back up and placed my daggers back in their hidden spots, and grabbed my sward, "No filth, you will die and so will your father."

I turned and saw Thorin running to the falls, no! "Thorin! Don't you dare!" I yelled. He paused for a split second and glanced to me, his eyes said it all, he was sorry, sorry for how he treated me, he loved me and goodbye. I couldn't let him do this, I couldn't let him die. So I ran after him.

"Thorin you really don't need to do this. If you fight him, you will die, and then I will have one less soulmate!" I pleaded as I ran beside him.

"Then fight with me, one last time, my Angel," he replied grabbing my hand and pulling me close.

"Of course my love, one last fight." I said smiling slightly.

Then we ran, Estel joined us at some point, but I had my eyes on Azog. He would die by my hands or Thorins and Estels, either way I was going to die too. I gave my Immortality when I fought Smaug. My mother would gladly give it back, but first I would have to talk to God and the High Elves of the West.

Azog turned to us and smiled a sick smile. "Come to die?" He asked in english.

"No, we've come to kill you. Your son is dead. I killed him. It was nice to do so, just like I killed your father," I said. Then turned to my soulmates, "I'm sorry I must do this alone." I pushed them away with my wind powers and sealed them in a shield, they couldn't get out.

Turning back to Azog I swung my duel swards and calmly walked to him.

He swung his chain with a ball on the end at me which I dodged. Causing the ice to break and him fall through, just like the movies on earth. I knew what was coming next, I was going to kill him while he kills me. I could hear the fighting pause, I could hear Estel and Thorin yelling for me.

I watched him through the ice, he did look dead but I knew better. Suddenly he thrust his sward through my foot causing me to cry out and fall on my back. He swung and I blocked, he started pushing the swards down to my stomach, I was becoming weak, I couldn't hold much longer. I looked my my lovers, 'I'm sorry' I whispered to them in their minds, causing them to yell for me again.

I pulled my sward out from his and he plunged his into my chest and twisted, I quickly kicked his legs from under him and landed on top. "Today we die. Tomorrow I live!" I whispered into his ear as I hugged him causing his sward to pierce through his heart into the ice.

He took his last breath and I pulled myself of him and onto my back. Breathing hard I flipped myself to my stomach and now I'm started to drag myself to the stairs and laid at a fallen wall. My powers were failing, Thorin and Estel along with Bilbo, Gandalf and Thranduil came running to me.

"Hey hey hey, look at me! It's going to be okay, your going to live," said Thorin while crying.

"This is the end my loves. I'm sorry I failed you." I replied while struggling to breathe.

"No, you did it, you killed Azog and his son. Kili, Fili and the rest are safe," said Estel.

"That's good, that's very good. Do you think my mother will take me to heaven?" I asked.

"Don't talk like that Angelina. It will be okay. Thranduil is here, he can heal you," said Bilbo. I turned my head and glanced at him. "Can't you?" He asked looking to Thranduil.

He let a tear fall as he gazed at me, "Im sorry, her wounds are too extensive, I can't help her. She is slipping into the world of Angels."

Thorin, Estel and Bilbo let more tears fall. "Hey, don't cry. God will let me come back, after all," I said coughing up blood. "I am the Queen."

They all chuckled. I took my last breath and looked at the family I had around me, my Father figure, grandfather figure, my two lovers and my brother. I smiled and said, "I couldn't be happier to be surrounded by my family."

Slowly everything went black, I could hear voices but couldn't make them out. I knew I was "dead" now. I saw a light and my mother emerged holding her hand out for me to take, I walked to her and took it.

"Welcome Angel. God is waiting for you." She said softly as she lead me through the light.

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