God and Watching my Funeral

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My mother and I walked hand in hand through a golden field to a golden temple, passing the Angels whom bowed to me, silently crying for their Queen has officially died and joined them in Heaven.

"Is God angry? I did truly did try to save the Durins! I did try to not get killed!" I asked panicking.

"He knows, Child. He also knows what you have up to save the Durin sons," she replied.

"If God is King, how am I Queen?" I asked her as we climbed the stairs.

"You, are just like his daughter, in fact, he is practically is your father. Though your real father is in Hell, God has adopted you, making you heir to the throne after Jesus." She replied as we came to huge golden doors.

She pushed them open and I gasped. Huge Golden and white pillars lined each side of the isle that lead to a Golden throne with two smaller thrones on either side of it. On the throne to the right sat Jesus, he had a big smile and bright green eyes. In the middle throne sat God, smiling brightly, he had bright blue eyes, both were wearing white gowns and red noble cloaks, crowns sat atop their heads.

God stood once we were in front of him, opening his arms and said, "Welcome Angelina, to your home in the skies. I've witnessed your death, courage and love for others."

I curtsied,"Yes Lord, I love Middle Earth, the people, animals and even the evil growing in it. I've also had heartbreak. I've left behind my soul mates, and people grieving over my death."

"Daughter, come we have lots to watch and discuss." God said while walking me to a room off to the left.

So after about two hours of talking and coming to an agreement, I got my immortality back, but I must stay away from Thorin, for he will break my heart once more. Sadly I was already broken, he's said and done things that I couldn't forget. Also I was going to get a new body, meaning I would be untouched, and a blonde, Elf/Dwarf/Skin Changer/Wizard/Angel/Man/Hobbit race. So I would be as tall as an Elf along with the fighting skills and senses, attitude of a Dwarf and Skin Changer, agility of an Angel along with the wings and voice, magic of the strongest kind, and lastly the build of the Man race and the stealth of a Hobbit. I was still going to be Queen of Middle Earth, the leaders of each race minus Thorin and Aragorn would know I was back, till the timing was right.

He lead me to a room where we could watch my funeral taking place at the kingdom of Erabor. Man, Elves, Dwarves, Beorn, the company, Hobbits, Wizards, minus Saruman, everybody was mourning due to my passing.

Thorin and Aragorn stood at the front with my casket, surrounded by flowers and gifts of offerings from children and the people I've helped.

"Please, have a seat," Gandalf said. "We've all gathered here, in front of Erabor, one of the future homes of Queen Angelina, to give tribute to Angelina and those whom passed on due to the recent war not a month ago." He paused before going on, "Angelina has touched each and every heart in every person or animal she has ever came in contact with. She was brought up in another world, but always read and dreamed of Middle Earth. At age 130 I had brought her back home, to be trained and taught the ways of each race here today, even the Rangers. She loved her animals, whom now are running around Middle Earth, helping and saving lives as we speak."

He paused and looked to the coffin, as if knowing that in two days from then I would be brought back to life, but as all the races in Middle Earth, minus Orc.....ewwww. He then looked to her parental figures and those she considered her siblings and best friends. The company, and her people were all in tears.

"She finally found love at age 150. Her soulmates King Thorin, and Strider, of the Rangers. They both would like it if you'd stand and have a few moments of silence in honor of our Queen." Everybody stood and held their right hand over their heart and stayed silent for two minutes. "Please have a seat. She had written a letter, it's short, but she had written it before the war broke out and gave it to me, she told me to read it if anything were to happen to her." He cleared his throat before continuing.

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