Dead or Alive

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Am I dead? Did Bilbo, Thorin and the company get away? I wonder if anybody will miss me. I know being the Queen of Middle-Earth all the races and animals will, but I wasn't so sure about Thorin. Estel must be a mess! If I want dead yet, I'm sure my injuries will kill me. I need blood and elvish magic right now, Estel could only do so much to save me.

I could hear a woman, repeating my name, telling me to open my eyes. so I did. When I looked at who was holding my hand and stroking my cheek I was shocked! She looked like an angel! She looked like me but a tad bit older.

"Am I dead? I must be dead. Am I in the Valar? Or maybe heaven?"I was still out of breath and in awe.

"No dear child. Your in between life and death. You have to choose. Stay in death and join your family, or go back to the living and be with your friends, new family and your love." She replied with a smile.

I looked around, everything was so beautiful. The animals mingled and wasn't trying to eat each other, the trees and flowers were so full of life, the people were dressed in white and happy. I knew I wouldn't be happy without my people in Middle-Earth. I needed to go back.

I looked back at her and said "I need to go back. My people need me."

She smiled and stood up. She held her hand out for me to take and helped me up. "Before you go I have a gift for you my child." 3 women came up to her, each holding a cloth. "I am taking your vampirism away. The only way to save the Durin line is to give them these."

The first woman approached me and I unwrapped the cloth revealing a ring with an infinity symbol. "This will protect the wearer from anything deadly. The ring will also grant an eternal life." The second one came over and I did the same. This one had another ring with the same infinity symbol. "The same goes for this one." The third woman approached, I unwrapped the cloth and revealed a ring like the other two, wedding bands for a man and a woman, and a necklace with the infinity symbol. "This ring is for Thorin, it does the same as the other two. The wedding bands are for when you get married. The necklace is for Tauriel, as long as she wears it she will live. You and only you knows what will happen if they don't wear those rings." The woman said.

"I didn't get your name. I don't know who you are." I told her.

She smiled a warm smile. "My sweet sweet little Angel. I've always been watching over you. I am your mother. I died to protect you. I knew you were too important and special, I knew I had to save you."

I started to tear up. "Mom?"

"Yes child. I've always been with you. I've been right here," she replied putting her hand over my chest. She sighed and took her hand away and started to take off her necklace. "You can use this to call upon us Angels in your time of need and war. We will always answer our New Queen." She placed the necklace upon my neck and clasped it in the back.

Everybody and every animal bowed down, "We will forever serve you our Queen. Hail Queen of the Angels, Fallen Angels and the Underworld!" Everybody cheered.

"You must go back now child." said my mother.

I nodded. She placed her hands on my head and started chanting. I could feel myself gaining consciousness. I felt really sore and I could hear people talking around me.

"There! I saw her hand move! She's alive!" Yelled a young male voice, Kili?

"I don't see....."somebody started to say but saw my foot twitch. "By the Valar! Gandalf! She's alive!"

I heard approaching footsteps and somebody kneel beside me on both sides. On my left side somebody grabbed my hand and the other side the person put their hand on my head and started chanting.

"Open your eyes Angelina. Come to my voice." An old voice filled with wisdom said, Gandalf? "She needs somebody to talk to her. maybe her soulmate can bring her back fully. Thorin, say something. She is still fading."

I heard intakes of breath. Seems like everybody is worried.

The person holding my left hand brought it up to their lips and kisses my knuckles. "My love, my heart, please come back. I need you. I'm sorry I rejected you. I was too afraid to give into my own feelings, to give into my One." Thorin said. I could hear the hurt in his voice, the regret, the pain.

I slowly opened my eyes but shut them due to the brightness of the sun. I kept blinking till my eyes adjusted to the light. I looked to my left and saw Thorin. He had tears in his eyes and red eyes. "Hey, no crying." I cooed bringing my right hand to his cheek.

"Angelina!!!!!!!!!" I heard multiple people yell.

I giggled and sat up,"Thats me." I was still looking at Thorin. "Did you really mean what you said?"

He cupped my face with his rough hands and smiled, "I meant every word. I'm so sorry. I love you with all my heart." he leaned in and brought his lips to mine. The company started cheering and I heard some "finally"s. We broke apart and he helped me to my feet.

"I love you too Thorin. Your my soulmate. I do have something to say to everybody." I looked at Gandalf and he has a knowing look on his face. I looked at Estel and he looked happy for me. Everybody was now looking at me a quiet. "I met my mother."

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