The Journey Begins.........

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The next morning I had gotten up earlier then the rest of the company. I had let Methen outside to hunt and eat, before we would travel. I had gotten breakfast made and went to Thorin's room to wake him up. As I opened the door I looked to the bed and saw how peaceful he looked. A truly handsome dwarf King. I smiled a bit but then thought of how in the books and movies he and his nephews would die. I will have to swear my allegiance to the Durin line, to be sure they lived. I walked up to the bed and placed my hand on his cheek which was surprisingly soft. I don't know what came over me, but I bent to give his forehead a kiss. As I pulled away smiling his eyes opened with shock.

"I.....I'm sorry my King. I just.....I just was going to wake you up but you looked so peaceful and handsome.....I mean, oh god I'm just going to go and wake the rest up." I stuttered and turned around blushing.

"If this is how I am to wake up everyday then I'll sleep more often,"he said while he turned me around, a huge grin on his lips making them look kissable.

I blushed even more at seeing how close we were. "I am sorry for being so bold King Thorin. I didn't mean to do that."

"It is alright. Please call me Thorin. As I will call you Angel." He said while holding my face in his hands. "I don't mind at all. It's an honour that you think I'm handsome."

"Okay," I was staring to get breathless. I couldn't help myself so I kissed his lips. When he didn't respond I tore myself from him and quickly left the room shutting the door softly.

I woke up the rest of the company by yelling that there was food on the table.

I needed to think so I went to my piano and started to play a song, and started to sing.

Hey, hey, hey
Remember me Remember me for centuries

Mummified my teenage dreams
No, it's nothing wrong with me
The kids are all wrong,
The story's all off
Heavy metal broke my heart

Come on, come on and let me in
The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints
And this is supposed to match
The darkness that you felt
I never meant for you to fix yourself

Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take.
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
Hey, hey, hey
Remember me for centuries

And I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name
'Cause I was only born inside my dreams
Until you die for me, as long as there is a light, my shadow's over you
'Cause I am the opposite of amnesia
And you're a cherry blossom
You're about to bloom
You look so pretty, but you're gone so soon

We've been here forever
And here's the frozen proof
I could scream forever
We are the poisoned youth

Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take.
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
Hey, hey, hey
Remember me for centuries

Du du du du-du du du
Du du du du du-du du du

As I struck the last cord and sang the last note, I looked up and the dwarfs were looking at me with their jaws dropped. I blushed and looked down, pushing my hair behind my ear. "You will catch flies." said Gandalf.

They quickly shut their mouths and clapped for me. I smiled and got up. "We must get ready to go. Is the Hobbit coming?"

"He will not be coming. He's much too afraid," replied Thorin, looking grim.

"I bet you 100 gold coins he will." I said smugly. I got dressed into my Rangers outfit(on side)and out my cloak on, grabbed my bags and went outside. I got Lerthenil ready(I tend to ride bare back for her comfort) and tied my stuff to the pack pony. The rest of the Dwarfs were placing bets on Bilbo not showing up at all. Gandalf, Kili, Balin and I said he would come. Thorin bet me 200 coins he wouldn't show up.

I started humming a tune for traveling. Then started singing again.

(Link to song: )

I guess the dwarfs still weren't used to my angelic voice cause they were staring at me or glancing at me agian.

"Is there something on my face Gandalf?" I asked the wizard. I was starting to get confused. Why on middle earth were they staring at me?

"No, Angelina. They simpily can't believe your voice matches your name. A true Angel." He replied while smiling.

I heard fast but samll footsteps behind us so I stopped my horse and looked back, earning curious looks. "I hear our burgeler." I smiled.

He rounded to corner yelling that he had signed the contract. Thorin ordered to get him a pony. Little did they know I had one on hand, I just had to call for him.

"He wont be needing the pack pony. I've got one for him." I whistled for the pony. He ran into view 2 seconds later. "This dear Bilbo is my pony. He is called Erthor, it means Uniter. He will be very loyal to you Master Baggins."

"Lets keep going now."yelled Thorin.

"Not till I get my winnings!" I yelled back, earning sacks to come flying at me from all directions, and me skillfully catching each one. The last ome came from Thorin, who winked at me.

I had a feeling we would be traveling for a long time right was I.

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