Story and Camp

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Everybody was looking at me like I had 10 heads. Gandalf had a knowing look and Balin seemed to understand what I had meant.

"What do you mean? How could you have seen your mother, she is dead." Replied Oin, who was looking at me with concern.

"I was dead but alive. Stuck in the land of In Between, but was brought to what Earth calls 'Heaven' by my Mother." I took a breath and looked to Gandalf, "She gave me gifts, took away my vampirism, and every Angel there bowed to me, calling me their Queen."

Thorin and Estel stepped forward, each had a look of concern. "Angelina, what do you mean gifts?" I dug into my hidden pocket and pulled out the rings. Balin gasped and stepped forward.

"If I'm not mistaken, those are infinity rings. Keeping the wearer alive." he said.

"Yes. She told me they were to go to Kili, Fili and Thorin. I do not know why though." I lied about the last part, they didn't need to know about their deaths. "She also gave me wedding bands. for Thorin and I." I said looking to Thorin.

He smiled and took my hand in his. "If she wants us to get married, then we will. If she wants us Durins to wear those rings, we will. I will never doubt you or Bilbo ever again," he said. He cupped my cheeks and brought his lips to mine. "Will you be my Queen, my One, my Soulmate for life?"

I grinned and through my arms around his neck and giggled. "Of course I will!"

The company were cheering as Thorin slid my engagement ring onto my finger. I walked up to the brothers and hugged each of them. "Kili, wear this ring as a symbol of long life, wear this with pride. Fili, wear this and live a happy long life. Please do not take those rings off boys, wear them with pride and love." They thanked me and I turned to Thorin. "My love, please keep this ring on at all times, wear it in honor of being my soulmate. For as long as you wear this, you will live forever with me."

"As for the rest of you, as we speak my mother is performing a blessing on you. To keep you alive, to keep watch over you," I told all the others.

"Gandalf we need to get moving," said Estel.

"Your right Strider. Lets get moving. We will make camp in 3 hours. Be careful walking down this rock." replied Gandalf.

After the 3 hours of walking and hiking over rocks and fallen trees we came to a familiar clearing. It was close to the legendary Dragon Riders village. Hidden from prying eyes and unwanted evils.

"We will camp here. Fili get the fire going, Bofur get the stew cooking. The rest of you set up your bed rolls." Thorin barked.

Everybody got busy and I went and sat on a fallen log. We are in dire need of a few goodnights rest, and more supplies. I know the dwarfs will be hesitant on going to the village but we need to. I was in deep thought when Estel and Gandalf came and sat down with me.

"We need supplies," stated Estel.

"I know. My village of Dragon Riders aren't too far from here. but the dwarfs will not want to go there willingly," I replied.

Gandalf had a small smile letting us know he had a plan. "We will have to trick them. Lead them there. Once they see and meet the good dragons and their riders they will accept them."

I just hoped he was right. "They don't know about me being their Queen too. They are going to hate me and probably kill the whole village."

"All will be okay, trust Gandalf and your heart." Said Estel.

I looked to the company, they trusted me this far, I've proven myself and almost died. That village is important to me, without that village there would be a lot of bad dragons flying around. I hope that they could forgive me for not being honest.

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