Feast and Celebration

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I was finally ready, Meg had told me she found out that Bofur was her soulmate, I was happy for the two of them. We would always be partners though, when the men were away.

I got to the doors to the feast area and had grabbed Meg's hand. The guard nodded at us and opened the door,"Now presenting Laergulwen Elen, Queen of Dragons Keep, and her partner Meg Eaton!"

The crowd clapped and I looked to the company and saw that Bofur couldn't keep his eyes off Meg, I told her to go to him as I took my seat at the head of the table. I raised my goblet and tapped my spoon against it softly but hard enough to make a loud noise.

"I would like to propose a toast! Please stand!" I stood up and started my speech."Today marks the day I found this land and each and every one of you and your dragons! Also Meg has found her male soulmate! Bofur, Meg please come up here." They approached me and stood in front of me."I give you both my blessing. I couldn't be happier for you two. I've also found my soulmate, but unfortunately he's rejected me."

Everybody gasped and some were angered. Murmurs were heard amongst them. The company glanced at Thorin who looked ashamed.

"You'll die!" Exclaimed Tristan."Who is this man?!" All the men were ready to kill.

"I will be fine, the Valar has gifted me another soulmate incase I got rejected by the first. There is no need to be upset. Tonight we shall dance and drink, celebrate our lives and love! To Dragons Keep!"

"To Dragons Keep!" Bellowed my people and the company.

"Let us feast." Announced Gandalf.

Two hours later and the feast was cleaned up and we all were headed to the dancing area in the middle of the village. Thorin came up beside me.

"I'm sorry Angelina," he apologized."I really am. I'm just nervous. I don't want to lose you, but I'm afraid. I'm not ever going to be good enough for you."

"Thorin, you could be a troll for all I care, and you'd be nothing but good enough for me. I'll love you no matter what. I'm afraid too, I'm afraid I will die, alone, unhappy, nobody to truly love me,"I sighed.

"I do love you though,"he said.

I smiled and took his rough hand in mine,"I'm glad. Now let us dance. The dance and beat is very intimate."

"I don't care. Lets dance,"he said as he lead me to the middle of the area.

The song started. I turned my back to his chest and started to sway my hips and body against his. It was slow and intimate. He placed his hands in my hips and guided me to where he wanted my body to be. I ground my butt into his groin and felt him stiffen. He moaned as I kept grinding. "If you keep doing this I will have to kidnap you for the night." He whispered into my ear as he trailed kisses down my neck sending shocks and shivers down my spine.

I turned so I was facing him, I took a cup off a tray that a servant was carrying and downed it."Thats the purpose of the dance." I whispered suductively into his ear and I grabbed his shoulders and guided him into the dance. He smirked at me when he surprised me by pressing himself closer to me. I suddenly felt another pair of hands on my hips and somebody finding on me from behind. I glanced and it was Estel! I panicked and looked to Thorin and saw him giving a nod to Estel,"You may join us tonight." He simply said.

This went on for a number of songs and dances. I was happier then a pig in mud! My two men getting along, happy and everybody was celebrating too.

The song was on again and this time I put it all into it. I was enjoying myself. I had my love triangle and I wasn't ashamed. Well was a square, but Meg had Bofur now. I was grinding on Estel when Thorin started to caress my chest, softly kissing me, while Estel was grinding back and kissing my neck. I was moaning, enjoying myself, getting lost in their love for me. They smirked into their kisses, trailing their hands over my body. I was suddenly pulled away by Meg and she whispered into my ear,"Lets make the men go crazy, Dance with me to Fever Rays Stranger than Kindness." I smiled and nodded.

(Quick A/N...I'm making Fever Ray into a Middle Earth/Earth band/group. They can go between worlds.)

So we danced, grinding, kissing, hands roaming each others bodies as the village and the company watched. Bofur, Estel and Thorin were the ones who couldn't keep their eyes off. I had my iPod on now and Animals by Maroon 5 came on and so we danced. Meg and I had put skimpy clothing under our dresses for this reason, so we could slowly undress each-other grinding and getting our men and village in the mood.

In this moment I was glad that the kids were in the back of my palace, so they couldn't witness this. We were suddenly grabbed from each-other. Bofur had taken Meg and was leading her to his room, and Thorin and Estel were taking me to my room in my palace.

I couldn't wait to feel them both on my skin.

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