20 yrs later......

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After meeting with the High Elves and the Wizards, it was decided that I would live and train to become a better warrior in Rivendale and Greenwood. Gandalf and Galadriel would come and help train me with my powers every 2 weeks, and let me tell you I mastered every spell and everything else they all through at me. Even Legolas was impressed with my skills with the Bow.

Legolas and his father became my family really quick, even though I was part dwarf. Nobody seemed to mind because I had the looks, angility, and skills of the elves. I had the attitude of the dwarves and that got me into alot of trouble really quickly. The little elven children loved my singing. I even taught them some ballet. I had to explain to them that it was a type of dance that held meaning behind whatever music you danced to, from where I had come from. They loved it. I also once a week sang in the dining hall and on occasions when Lord Elrond would hold meetings of importance.

I was on my way to my own training area in the woods just outside of Rivendale when I heard somebody coming. Methen's er perked up and started to wag his tail.

"Gandalf, what a surprise!" I said as I spun around.

I ran and embraced him in a tight hug giggling. I hadn't seen or heard from him in a few months as he said he had to do something important.

"My Little Angel! My have you grown to become quite a beauty! I bet Legolas has to keep the men and elves away from you just to keep you out of trouble." he replied.

Yes I have had many men and elves approach me to court me but I've turned them all down saying that I wasn't ready. There was a few that may have gotten broken bones and bruises when they didn't get the hint. I just honestly wasn't attracted to any of the elves and men. I knew my soul-mate was out there somewhere waiting for me.

I giggled and let him go. "What are you doing here? I mean I'm glad to see you but obviously your here about something else."

"Yes, indeed I am here for an important matter." he replied.'I want you to accompany me and my company on an adventure.' he said in my mind(my power to read minds and have conversations in others minds)

'No need to explain, I know it's about Erebor. I'm in. But does your company know your inviting me?"I asked. 'I know they don't like elves.'

"Angelina Elen! They specifically asked for you. Your known in all of Middle-Earth. Your powers you posses, your beauty and fighting skills. Lets not forget you saved 3 of them too!" he replied in elvish.

I blushed and looked down at Methen. I thought about that day I saved Thorin and his nephews. Orcs were  attacking them and if I hadn't have been near the Blue Mountain at the time they would've died. I was of course wearing my Blue Cloak with my hood up and my mask of to conceal my identity but they knew I was a woman for they heard me shout at them to duck as I slaughtered the orcs and wargs. I didn't even stop to see if they were okay after, I just took off. They did yell their thanks though. My cloak looked like this:


"Gandalf, I don't think the other 10 will agree. Thorin may change his mind when he looks at me without my cloak on. I'll go for you and the halfling, but tht's it." I replied.

"Good, now get your horse, and get what you need for Methen and we will be on or way, we are meeting 8 dwarves outside of the Shire." he replied.

I nodded and took off to the stable and asked the stable boy to get Lerthenil ready for a long adventure. I then quickly walked to my sleeping quarters and pulled out my traveling pack and my weapons. I changed into my traveling/warrior outfit and packed my spare's along with my extra clock and sleeping mat and blanket. I put my tiara on my dresser for when I returned. I ran back to my horse and led her to where Gandalf was waiting.

"Well, I am ready. Methen! Come we are going on an adventure!" i said while smiling.

I turned around and saw Lord Elrond walking towards us looking sad but happy. He knew how much I wanted to help the Dwarfs to make up for the Mirkwood elves not helping when Smaug took their home. Elrond had told me when he and his army arrived it was too late and the dwarfs had already fled to the Blue Mountains and small towns where they could find home and work.

'Please Angelina Elen, my daughter, be careful. I will see you soon. Arwen and I shall miss you.'he said while hugging me and planting a fatherly kiss on my forehead.

'Ada, I will keep in touch. Don't forget our mind links. I'll be careful, and send Thorin your well wishes, Ada.' I replied as I got on Lerthenil.

I nodded to Elrond, and turned Lerthenil to the path that lead out of Rivendale. Next stop, the Shire.......

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