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Narrators POV

Thorin had been standing beside the coffin while Gandalf read the letter. He very much doubted that she loved him. He wasn't even sure he loved her, but he did know he cared for her very much. Aragorn approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come, we are to place her in her tomb now," he said softly.

"I don't want to go. Strider, how can she be gone? I mean, she was immortal and those injuries shouldn't have killed her," Thorin replied.

Strider sighed and guided Thorin to a bench just outside the hall, "Thorin, she died because she gave up her immortality. That's basically one of the only ways to kill her."

Thorin nodded his head and sighed, "I'm going to move on, find a new One. Its obvious she wasn't mine, if she truly was she wouldn't have given her life for anybody. I treated her badly, I don't even know if she truly loved me at all."

"Thorin," Strider said, "She loved both of us very much. After you pretty much banished her, she went to Thranduil and cried. He tried to calm her down, but all she wanted was for us three to be together one last time."

"Strider, I'm going to move on, even if you don't. I deserve heirs, I deserve to be happy again. Kili and Fili need an Aunt and I'll be damned if some dead Queen is going to always be their Aunt," Thorin replied raising his voice.

"You can do whatever it is you want to. I'm sure she would be happy for you. Either way she truly loved you, and I. In her letter it did state to move on, that she's be watching over us still." said Aragorn.

"You won't be angry?" Asked Thorin.

"No," replied Aragorn. "I have no reason to be angry. She is after all gone, but I will be going to my Rangers, and leading them. I will come back every year on the day she died, till the day she was put into her tomb. You say you will move on, but I know you won't fully move on. For you and I were her soulmates, we have no other lovers nor other soulmates."

With that said they walked to the tomb where Angelina's coffin was being carried by one of each race. Radagast bringing up the rear, which was a funny sight to see as he cleaned himself up and no longer had pooh on his face.

After her tomb was closed off by many flowers and plants, everybody walked to the dining hall and began a feast to celebrate Angelina's life.

Little did any of them know that they were being watched by God and heard by Angelina. Angelina, yes she told the men to move on, but she really didn't think they would. She thought they would wait and see if something were to happen. Apparently she was wrong. She was upset and angry at Thorin. She wanted revenge now. She wanted him to hurt, and she knew how.

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