Barrel Riders and Bard

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Long story short I'm swimming in the Rapids in this darn river while the dwarfs and Bilbo are in the barrels we stole from Mirkwood.

I heard a horn blow and looked back and saw it was Legolas and the guard coming after us. He shouted to shut the gate and we slammed into the closed gate.

"Legolas you troll kisser!" I yelled once I saw where he stood, he turned and looked me in the eyes. "You promised me!"

I suddenly heard yelling and a grunt, an elf fell into the water I front of me. "Shit! Tauriel! Orcs!" I yelled to her.

Both her and Legolas looked to me then to where I was pointing. A group of Orcs were ambushing the elves to get to the company and I. I started to use my magic to fight and kill some orcs that were too close to us, but more kept replacing the dead ones.

I'm not sure how it happened but when Kili got out of his barrel, I jumped out of the water and shoved him back into his barrel. I knew he was going for the lever to open the gate. I got to it and started to push down when I felt something pierce my leg. I screamed and heard a bunch of people yelling my name. I fell to my knees and looked at my leg, it was an Orc arrow. I reached for it and pulled it out with a scream. I got back up and pulled the lever and ran to a barrel and jumped in.

I looked behind me and saw Legolas and Tauriel looking at me with a worried expression. I looked ahead and everything started to get blurry. I barely remember what happened but I do know that Bombur had a nice time rolling along the shore in his barrel, knocking down orcs and killing them. He bounced around for at least a good two minutes, I couldn't help but laugh, despite how much pain I was in.

I blacked out and I came to when I felt somebody pulling me out of the barrel and somebody else picking me up. "Angelina! You have to pull through this. It will be okay."

Kili? I opened my eyes and saw Kili and Fili bent over me, Fili was binding my leg while Kili was soothing me. "Thorin?" I asked Kili.

"He's talking to Balin, actually Balin and Dwalin are keeping him away from you, he's been a mess since you got hurt." Replied Fili.

"Why did you do that?!" Yelled Kili.

"I had to. There's a book and three movies on Earth based on this quest, everybody here is in it. I'm the Prophecy, sent here to make sure the Durins don't die, like they do in the book and movies, or I guess you could call it a prophecy too. I'm not in the book or movies, I wasn't meant to even be here, my parents told Gandalf, Radagast, Saruman, Lord Elrond, King Thranduil and Lady Galadriel To send me to another world, where a story will be told about Durins sons, only then will I be brought back after I read the story. I'm sorry I never told any of you. Kili, you would've suffered if I allowed you to get shot by the arrow, its poisoned. Tauriel will heal me in Lake Town." I told the brothers. "Please don't tell anybody else."

"We promise," they said at the same time.

"Do I make it back home?" Asked a timid Bilbo.

"Yes. But the Durins all die if I didn't give them those rings, Tauriel would die if I hadn't given her that necklace. My mother wanted to make sure that you all survived, for if you die, I will follow." I told them.

They all nodded then looked up as Thorin approached.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Sore, but I can manage. Don't worry about me. I can not die unless you die." I said.

He nodded then walked back to the group of dwarfs that were taking about strategy, how we would get to the mountain from here.

I suddenly smelt a different scent, man. It was familiar, I couldn't place it. I heard a twig snap behind me, I took my dagger from my boot and shot up to my feet and spun around.

"Bard?" I dropped my dagger and ran to him, engulfing him in a hug.

He chuckled and hugged me back, "What brings the Queen here?"

"I need to reach Erabor as soon as possible. My company and I need transport my friend." I told him as we released each other and I walked back to Kili and Fili who were on high alert now.

"Dwarfs? Why are you with them? Erabor is guarded by Smaug, I can't take you there, I can take you to Lake Town. Master Dwarfs, help me with the barrels, we will need them." He said.

So here I am, standing beside Bars while Bilbo and the company are stuck in barrels full of fish, approaching the gates to enter Lake Town. We were stopped by some jerk who tried to dump the barrels, but once he saw me he backed off real quick and sent us on our way.

So close to Erabor, yet so far away.

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