A Hobbit and 13 Dwarves.........

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We had finally met up with the 8 dwarfs, whom gave my figure a weary glance and started to talk among themselves about me. We were just outside of Bree when Gandalf stopped and turned to the 8 dwarves. "I can imagine you want to know whom I am traveling with. Her name is Angelina Elen, she will be accompanying us on the quest as requested by Thorin."

"What?!" cried one dwarf.

"Surely she isn't 'The Blue Shadow Wanderer', is she?" asked one, whom looked a bit younger then myself.

"Angelina, these are Oin, Gloin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur." Gandalf said, pointing to each dwarf as he said their names.

I quickly thought I should speak to them in Dwarvish "Angelina, at your service. I hope we can become great friends and reclaim your home together."

They just stared at me with their jaws open."You'll catch flies if you leave your mouth open any longer men." said Gandalf. "on ward to the Shire!"


2 hours later we finally arrived at Bilbo's house. I was just too damn happy to get off my horse that I fell flat on my face. I rolled onto my back and noticed the dwarfs and Gandalf were looking at me amusingly. "I hate horses right now. My bum is sore!"

They laughed and Gloin helped me up. Gandalf knocked on the door as I let Lerthenil roam around with Gandalfs horse.

The 8 dwarfs fell into the hobbit hole once the door was opened. I looked to Gandalf before I went back to Lerthenil and called for Methen.

"Hello boy, I really hope they accept you into their company too, I'd hate to have to let you go back to Rivendale on your own, or have you follow me in the shadows like you always do. I hope Thorin doesn't mind I'm here too. I hate to be a burden to people, especially when they are important people." I sighed and sat down while I looked to the stars, "That star beside the brightest one, that one has been there since my birth, according to Lord Elrond and Lady Arwen, I am in a prophecy to save some royal members on this journey. I just hope I can do it."

I probably sounded crazy while talking to a wolf, but he understands me and listens to my every word, almost as if he was a shifter. Gandalf often dropped hints to me that he was, but I hadn't seen any signs that he was one.

I got up and pat his head and kissed his nose, "I shall not be long, then we will go to our place and rest." I turned around and bumped into a solid form and fell onto my butt again, "Are you bloody kidding me?! What the hell?!" I cursed  to myself in elvish. I looked up and was face to face with the dwarven king.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry! Let me help you up. I wasn't paying attention!" I said as I held my hand to him to help him to his feet, blushing a deep red. My thoughts were going crazy as he took my hand and I felt a warm electric jolt course through my hand to my heart.

He laughed a deep throaty laugh at my rambling. "It's alright, I was just going to the door when I heard you talking, Miss......"

"Angelina Elen, at your service, my King." I replied while I curtsied.

He had the look of shock on his face while he looked me over. "Your the one who saved my nephews and I! 'The Little Angel Star' as your name means, am I right?"

"Yes, I did and it does. I coudn't let the orcs and wargs kill the last of the Durins, and I sworn to watch over the Duin Line till my last breath. I know you hate elves, but I  can assure you I had to part in the Smaug event, I was just a baby then. I am truly sorry for the other kin, they are rude and only think of themselves."I said to him in dwarvish.

"Wow, your not only beautiful but you can speak dwarvish too. I approve of you coming with me.....I mean us."he said quickly trying to cover his mistake and making me blush again. "I will have to act rude for a few moments inside though."

"It's alright I understand. My story must be well known to all of middle-earth then? That I was sent to another world then came back 20 yrs ago?" He nodded his head."By the Valar! I don't want to be treated any differently then anybody else. I'm nothing but a simple elf/man/wizard/dwarf maiden!"

He chuckled and then walked to the door and knocked, the door opened 5 seconds later by Gandalf. "Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. I wouldn't have found it at all, had it not been for that mark on the door and your female friend!" he said as we walked into the Hobbits home.

"Mark? There's no mark on that door, it was painted a week ago!" Bilbo cried out and ran to look at the door.

"Of course there is a mark, I've put it there myself. Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield.' Gandalf replied.

Thorin turned to Bilbo and looked him over. "So, this is the hobbit. Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?"

"Pardon me?" he squeaked in surprise.

"Axe or sword, what's your weapon of choice?" Thorin was getting annoyed really fast with the poor hobbit.

Bilbo looked shocked at Thorin then replied "Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know. But I fail to see why that's relevant."

"I thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar." Thorin replied as he walked away from Bilbo, Gandalf and I, to where the other dwarfs where eating and drinking.

"I'm sorry for his rudeness Master Baggins. I'm Angelina Elen, at your service." I bowed to Bilbo to show my respect just like Gandalf had taught me.

Bilbo just stood there looking at me with his mouth open, I could hear it get quiet suddenly in the kitchen or dining room area. "I'm also known as 'The Blue Shadow Wanderer' to those whom I've either helped fight or have killed. Could I please hang my cloak up and have a drink?" I asked with my dazzling smile, I use this power to get what I want alot.

"Y.....Yes, of cou....course my Lady! Let me take your cloak and I can show you to your room." He replied.

As I was removing my hood, I saw all the dwarfs at the doorway, trying to catch a glimpse of my face, I smirked and slowly lowered the hood while looking at each dwarf. I heard sharp intakes of breath as I took my cloak off and looked to the two young brothers. I smiled at them and turned back to Bilbo.

 "Master Bilbo, I have my own place here in the Shire. I will be going there in an hour to get some rest. Please give this room to Thorin or his nephews. They need it more then I do."

I gave him a smile and walked to where Gandalf was sitting, I leaned to his ear and whispered that I had to be going and to use our mind link to talk to me, and that if anybody wanted to stay the night at my place I had more then enough rooms and beds and food here in the Shire.

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