Lake Town and Sickness

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I couldn't sleep without being in a bagful of pain. I was constantly thinking about the poison and if it would affect the babies, or worse kill them and me! So I tossed and turned, dragged myself to different places to sit or lay down while the company discussed strategies on how to get to the mountain, and weapons, we had non, seeing as Thranduil's guards took them.

I sighed as I laid down on a bed, Bain had told me to use it, actually he ordered me to, such a helpful boy.

I fell asleep only to have a very bad nightmare. I had lost Thorin, Fili, Kili, Estel and the babies. Every kingdom had turned their backs on me and I was being hunted for failing the Durin sons.

I woke with a start, just as Legolas was about to kill me in my dream. It was quiet in the house, so I got up and walked into the kitchen, nobody was there except Bards three children. I then remembered Thorins speech to the Master of Lake Town and the people. Making promises he wouldn't ever keep.

Sighing I limped to where I could hear Thorin yelling. I came into view and saw the Master of Lake Town, Bard and Thorin in the middle of the crowd, all glaring and red in the face.

"What the hell is going on?!" I yelled, gaining everybody's attention. People started to back off and clear a way for me to join the men. "Clearly dear Master of Lake Town, you have no respect for your superiors! Thorin is the rightful King Under the Mountain, Bard is Master of Dale, and I am Queen of Middle Earth, Queen of the Underworld, Angels and pretty much the universe! You will bow down and let us in for the night, you will back off Bard, if I hear of you being any more of a pig then you already are, I will make my Father take you to his Kingdom of the Underworld!"

He and his goon were shaking and paled, "Y....yes your majesty! I welcome the Dwarfs of Erabor and Bard of Dale, and Angelina, Queen of All, to my town. Let us drink and eat, you rest in my palace tonight." The Master announced.

I turned to Bard, "Gather your children, bring them here, I will protect them from any harm."

I turned to the Masters goon, "You!" I said pointing my finger at him. "You will never take food or money from these good people ever again, do you hear me?! If I ever hear of you wickedness doing any wrong, I will kill you!"

The man paled and ran off, instructing guards to send food and money to the families and people. I smirked and looked to the company "That went well! Shall we enjoy a goodnights rest, food and drink?"

The company cheered and ran into the so called palace while Thorin just stared at me. He slowly approached me and cupped my cheeks in his rough hands, "Are you alright? You look deathly ill."

"Thorin....."I sighed. I couldn't lie to him, my illness was getting worse due to the poisoned arrow. "The arrow that got my was poisoned. I fear that I or the babies won't make it. The only thing that can save me, is Tauriel."

He looked really hurt and angry."Why didn't you say anything? Wait, that arrow, it was meant for Kili. You sacrificed yourself for my nephew! You put the babies and yourself in danger! What in the name of Durin were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking that maybe I could save a damn life! On Earth, this.......this quest or journey is a story. A book and three movies, all about this quest! The Durin line is supposed to die after you reclaim that mountain! I couldn't let anything happen to those I love, I will change your fate, which is why you must never take that ring off! It's to keep you alive and protected. Without it, Azog and his Son will kill you and those boys you helped raise, not only that but I would die because I'm carrying one of your babies! Thorin, I love you. I'm not meant to be here, hell my name isn't even in the book not the movies. I can save you all. Smaug will listen to me." I blurted out to him.

"How will that monster listen to you?" Thorin asked.

"That Dragon, is the reason, well one of the reasons why I'm here. I'm his rightful mother. I was meant to be born years before he attacked your kingdom. My parents couldn't conceive me till just before he attacked." I told him. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault!"

He shook his head and tugged me closer, "It's not your fault, it's nobody's fault but his own."

I sighed and looked into his eyes. "You should go. Be with the company. I need to rest."

He nodded and sighed, "If I have to."

He kissed my forehead and lead me to my room and left.

The last thing I remember that night was the pain in my leg throbbing, and seeing dots in my vision before I passed out.

That night I dreamt of the movies of this adventure. I also dreamt that I lost the babies, Thorin left me and I took off and did my own thing for 60 years, slowly going to the dark aside of middle earth meeting with Saruman and the eye of Sauron all because of heartbreak, then met up in Rivendale for a different adventure, but with Aragorn by my side helping me turn back to the woman I once was, while Tauriel, Kili, Fili and Thorin stayed in Erabor. I should've known that this was a vision, not a dream.

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