Left Behind and Smaug

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The next morning I tried to board the boat with Thorin but he stopped me. "You can not come."

"Of course I'm coming. Smaug will not listen to anybody else." I replied.

"I will not risk this quest for someone like you," he said.

I looked at the rest of the company, all had the look of shock on their faces, the brothers were angry. I just sighed and turned to leave.

"Kili! Fili! Oin! What are you doing?!" Yelled Thorin.

"We belong with our Queen. Oin belongs with the sick and injured. Uncle she is dieing can't you see that?!" Yelled Kili. He was fuming mad.

Thorin glared at me, then his eyes softened, "Angel, I'm sorry, I just can't risk your life for my home. I will return for you."

I nodded then turned to leave, but as I turned a sharpe piercing pain went through my leg and my legs gave out and I started to fall. I felt strong arms go around my stomach to hold me steady as somebody grabbed my legs. I turned my head and looked at Thorin, pain clear in his eyes.

"I love you Thorin." I whispered to him.

"I love you too, Angel." He whispered back.

Last thing I saw was the rest of the company and Thorin pushing the boat from the dock.

I came to and it was dark. I was sweaty and in a lot of pain. My leg was killing me and I knew I had lost the babies at this point. I didn't need a doctor, Oin or Beorn to tell me. I started to cry. The dream was coming true.

I lost the babies, next it's Thorin pushing me away and breaking my heart, then me turning evil, being a spy within the White Counsel. Then meeting up with Aragorn again.

I tried to move but I cried out in pain when I moved my leg. "K....Kili?" I called out in a hoarse voice.

I heard heavy footsteps approaching and somebody taking my hand into theirs. "Angelina? Oh thank Durin your alive!"

"I'm dieing Kili. I've lost the babies." I whispered.

He bent down to my level on the bed and calmly took my other hand in his, "I know, I'm so sorry. Fili and I will not let uncle hurt you."

I started sobbing again, "I'm such a bad person. My babies are gone, both my soulmates aren't here, Thorin is sending me mixed messages, Estel is going to be very upset. Kili, what am I going to do?!"

"First you need to rest, fight this poison. Then we will deal with Uncle and hopefully Estel will be here soon." replied Kili.

I smiled softly and closed my eyes, "Thank you, Kili. Thank you for being here for me, Fili, Oin and Bofur too. You are very loyal and helpful."

I didn't hear their replies, my hearing was starting to go, everything was muffled and I felt really weak. I knew if Tauriel wouldn't come soon, I will be meeting my mother again, for her to revive me, and I didn't have time for that. I needed to get to Smaug. So I reached out to my mother, asking her to heal me, to send an angel to heal me or something. I needed to get to Smaug.

I fell into a deep sleep. My mother was standing in front of me, smiling. "Heal my daughter. You have a great destiny ahead of you. This is not your fate. Go back to the light, go to Smaug, save him or do what you must to give Thorin his mountain back."

I simply nodded and turned to the light and followed it. I could hear talking, then some yelling. Tauriel had arrived, she is saving me. I sent a silent thank you to my mother.

Tauriel started chanting the elvish healing spell while pressing something to my wound. Kinsfoil! Of course, why didn't I think of that? Oh yeah, she needed to save me and be with Kili.

I opened my eyes after she was done chanting and smiled. "Tauriel, thank you."

She smiled and nodded. I noticed her eyes were red, and she had tears running down her face. "It was my pleasure, my Queen."

"I have to go. I have to deal with Smaug before he ruins this town." I stated as I sat up.

I noticed I was wearing a gown. it was a greenish gold, with a white laced collar. I also had a head dress on, I knew it was my mothers doing. I had to look like the Queen I was, when I dealt with Smaug. I was also holding a bottle of something. I had tattoos running down my arms to my fingers. Also my mothers doing, I knew they would go away once I had dealt with Smaug.

"Angelina!" Cried the dwarfs that were left with me. I smiled and held my arms open in which all four ran into them giving me a group hug and smiling.

"I have to go to the mountain. Evacuate the town, get the people to safety. Smaug may not listen to me, he may attack and burn everything in sight." I said.

"We will. Please be safe." said Fili.

"Always." I replied.

I stood up and gathered my weapons, tucking the bottle into my pocket of the dress.

"Tauriel, your in charge of the children in this house. Bard is my good friend, he is locked up and will need rescuing. Break him out and get far away from here, then join Legolas. Dollow the orcs he is chasing. Also tell your soulmate you love him. Keep that necklace on no matter what." I ordered.

"I will. I won't disappoint you." She said.

I nodded and looked to the small group, the children looked scared, the dwarfs were gathering their stuff and getting ready to evacuate, Tauriel was crying silently. "I will come back. I can't die, remember? I almost did because my soulmates are too far from me, and I was waiting for you. I must go."

I walked to the door and looked over my shoulder at my people, "Be safe and stay together. Bain, get that hidden arrow. You will need it when your father is let out of prison."

He nodded and went to the kitchen. I nodded my head and walked out of the house, going to the first boat I saw. I then thought about it and decided to fly there. So I shifted into my angel form, or should I say Queen Angel form. growing golden wings and had a golden aurora around me.

I was now ready to fight or talk Smaug into giving the dwarfs their mountain back.

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