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I flew to the mountain and entered through a secret passage that nobody knew about, not even Thorins father knew about it. I calmly walked to the throne room that Smaug has been in since he took the kingdom.

"Smaug!" I called.

"Mother?!" He roared. "Why are you here?" He asked as he emerged from the gold he laid in.

"I've come to tell you to give the Dwarfs their mountain back!" I said as I paced the room on the gold. "This is not your home. This mountain belongs to Thorin Oakenshield!"

"No! He will never be King Under The Mountain!" He roared.

"You dare to defy me? You dare to defy your mother? The Queen?" I asked calmly.

He didn't say anything for a moment. He knew I was upset. He knew I was disappointed in him. "But Mom!" He wined.

"No buts! You give the mountain and his gold and the stone back or you will face my wrath!" I yelled.

He flinched back. I was beyond mad. I noticed Bilbo climbing down the steps to the golden pile. "You will follow me to a different room where your gold lust won't affect your thinking."

He sighed and began slither-walking to the dining room. I glanced at Bilbo and nodded to him before I followed Smaug out of the room.

I sat at the head of the table while Smaug sat the other end, head hanging low.

"Why did you do this? Why did you take the dwarfs home? Do you realize I am very disappointed in you?" I asked him.

"The gold called to me, Mother. The King was getting gold lust from the stone. So I took it upon myself to rid him of the problem." He said, making up excuses.

"My child, you still stole a home, destroyed a city and killed many innocent people! Children! Mothers! Fathers! You burned a whole city down!" I exclaimed. "Not only did you do that to them, you took a kingdom for your own selfishness."

He looked at me, "I thought you would be proud of me."

"I am not proud. I am furious." I said. "I had to travel with a company, for months! I found my mates, basically your fathers, got pregnant, then lost the babies due to a very heavily poisoned arrow, I just got healed and now I am here. I am far from proud, Smaug!"

He hung his head lower then before. "I would've had baby brothers or sisters?"

"Yes. But I lost them all because of this stupid quest to save you and take the mountain back." I said. "So either you give the mountain back or you die."

He knew I knew of the prophecy. He was going to fight me, he was going to kill more people. "You know I can't do that."

"Fine. Your funeral." I said as I stood up and walked out of the room.

I could hear him following me. "I can smell somebody else here mother. I can smell other dwarfs on you." he said. "You brought the dwarfs!" He roared.

"You will not hurt me!" I said. "We will take this to an area where nothing will be damaged."

"No. The men sent you, the dwarfs sent you. For revenge." he said.

"No, not for revenge. For their home and safety. Your safety is what I am concerned about." I replied.

"What is the other I smell? Not a man, dwarf, wizard not an elf." He asked.

"Hobbit. He is a barrel rider, a burglar. You will not harm him or the dwarfs." I replied.

"They will never get this mountain from me! They will not steal either!" He roared. He inhaled and I knew he was about to blow fire. So I ran to the throne room, grabbed Bilbo and his him under a bridge or stair case, I couldn't tell in this darkness.

"Smaug! You will listen to me. I am your mother and Queen!" I shouted as I walked to the throne.

"Your not my mother!" He roared. "You didn't hatch me! Your not my rider!"

"Oh but I can be your rider, and sadly I am your mother." I replied.

"Mothers wouldn't threaten to kill their sons or daughters." He replied.

I sighed, turned to walk away, "I tried to warn you. You, my son, are very disappointing."

"This isn't the last you will see of me Mother." He warned.

"We shall see, Smaug. We shall see." I replied as I walked to where the dwarfs were waiting for Bilbo. I can into sight of Thorin, Dwalin and Balin.

"Lassie! I thought you were sick and dieing!" Announced Balin.

The dwarfs turned and looked in my direction with shocked faces. "I was, but my mother and Tauriel saved me in time."

Thorin slowly approached me. "Something is different about you." I shifted uncomfortably. I opened my mouth to reply but he beat me to it. "You've lost the babies."

I let a tear fall. "Yes."

Balin and Dwalin rushed to my sides and brought me into their arms, comforting me. "I'm so sorry Thorin. I didn't mean for this to happen."

"It doesn't matter. What matters is the Arkenstone. Our burglar is in there to get it." He replied. His eyes were different, dull blue, dilated and cold.

"Your sick." I stated.

He turned around and started pacing, "If anybody here is sick, it is you."

Gasps were heard from the others. I knew what they were thinking without even reading their minds. How could he say that?

"How dare you!" I screamed at Thorin. "How dare you say that?! Your the one with the Gold Sickness! That stone will be the death of our people."

"My people. There is no us. You've lost my blood line." He stated rather coldly.

I gasped and brought my hands over my heart. "How could you?"

"How could you put my children at risk?! Estel will be very disappointed." Yelled Thorin.

"Estel would understand!" I screeched back.

Glaring he approached me, grabbing the front of my dress. "Your a disgrace! Get out of my sight! My one would be able to bare children! You are not my one!"

He threw me to the ground and walked away. I looked at the others, pleading them to talk some sense into him, but they avoided my eyes. Ori looked very hurt, the youngest out of the dwarfs, like a little brother to me.

I slowly got up and dusted myself off, took a deep breathe and said, "I really hope you know what you are doing, Thorin." My voice got colder." There will be a war, people will die, orcs will attack and that stone will be your downfall." My voice got deeper, "For the bowman will shoot the dragon down, but the King of the Mountain will call for war upon men and elves. The enemy will come upon them and the Durin line will die, unless one sacrifices herself for those she loves. The King shall mourn, so will the people of Middle Earth, and not move on, the stone shall be returned to the elves, but the Queen shall never return. For sixty years none will hear of her, until the ring is found. She will return, but not the same, her heart as black as Orc blood, she will never forget, she will never forget. Her mates shall fight to bring her pure heart back, and fix her mind with love, not before she makes the ultimate sacrifice." I had made a prophecy!

The dwarfs looked at me in fear while Thorin had the look of shock and longing.

"That is what will come if you do not think straight and give the stone back to the elves." I stated as I turned and walked away, to Dale, to where the people of Lake Town would be later that night. I looked over my shoulder when I heard a roar and the ground shook. Smaug discovered Bilbo, the dwarfs were inside, now it's the waiting game of when Smaug goes to attack Lake Town. But I needed to get there first, so I once again spread my wings and flew back to Lake Town and landed on the Bow Tower. Now I wait.

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