Protector and Forgiving

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I was pushed into a wall and looked at my captor. It just so happened to be Estel! Had he heard my story too? Would he hate me like the dwarfs? Would he kill me and put me out of my misery?

"Why do you run? You've got nothing to be ashamed of. Your still you, nothing could ever take that away from you. Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf, Arwen, Legolas and even his father will do anything to keep you safe. I will keep you safe!" he all but yelled at me. His words making me cry. I knew he was right. They loved me and would rather die then to see me hurt or dead. "I am to join you.....on this quest."

"What?! Why? If the white council thinks I can't protect myself then they are wrong! I signed up of this, its my own burden! Nobody can help me now. it's useless Estel!" I yelled back at him, making him glare at me. "I'll just hunt animal blood, and search for my dragon while going on this quest. It shouldn't be too hard." I said more softly.

"I requested to go. I can't let you risk your life for the dwarfs on your own, Angelina. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything where to happen to you." he replied, cupping my face in his hands and wiping the golden tears from my cheeks.

I nestled into his hands and closed my eyes. Remembering when we used to cuddle and steal kisses under the moonlight. Till he broke my heart when he suddenly left, without a goodbye or note as to why he left. I loved him, but he had hurt me beyond repair.

"Estel,..." I sighed. "Why are you doing this? You already broke my heart, I don't need it to happen again. Please don't do this." I begged. "You've got Arwen. don't break her heart as well."

"I have always loved you, I will never stop. She knows of this." he said, putting his forehead on mine. "Look me in the eye and tell me you've moved on. That you don't love me..."

I looked into his eyes and opened my mouth to reply, but I couldn't. I love Thorin but I also love Estel. I knew I had to make a choice soon, but right now I needed to focus on the quest and the company.

"You know I can't, you know I love you Estel, but I also love somebody else. I need to think, I need to make my own choice on whom to give my heart to. I don't want to be hurt again." I told him honestly.

He smiled and pulled eke into a hug. I missed this, so much. He kisses my forehead then let go and backed away.

"No matter your decision I will always support you. But that doesn't mean I'm not coming with you. Elrond and Lady Galadriel want me to go, they want somebody to go that will help worth the dwarfs and Gandalf."

I sighed "Fine then, thank you."

We started walking back to the dining area. He asked me about my travels and I asked him of his. Ever since he left he had become a Ranger of the North, under the name of Strider. it made me smile thinking of him doing what he's always dreamed of doing.

We reached the hall and I was suddenly lifted into a hug that ended up with 13 other bodies. 13 dwarfs and 1 hobbit had tackled me into a group hug all asking for forgiveness.

"Friends, there is nothing to forgive for you have done nothing wrong. I realize that it was just too much information for you all. I realize that your my family too and I'd do anything to protect you all. So I must say, please forgive me for walking away and making assumptions." I said .

"There is nothing to forgive lass. you've done nothing wrong either. You just unsure of everything right now. it's all new to you. we would never kick you out of the company, even if those gods made you into a troll." said Ori. that had to be the longest he had ever spoken to me. Every dwarf and even the elves nodded.

I bowed to them and said "Thank you, my friends and family." I smiled. "May I introduce my dear friend Strider. He is a ranger of the north and has been requested by the high elves and the wizard council to accompany me and protect me and anybody else from harm for the rest of the journey. People will be after me for my powers and it's only a matter of time before Azog hears tries to capture or kill me."

Needless to say, there was NO argument about Estel joining us. I was glad they got along. They all had Estel drinking with them, even Golin whom had gotten into a drinking contest with Estel, Kili and Fili, all of whom had a great time.

What was going on in my mind was; What if I did chose Thorin? Would Estel really be there for me, no matter what? Would Legolas and his father be angry? I know Elrond and Lady Galadriel knew what I'd chose in the end, but I didn't want to know right now. I just wanted to be happy, for a little while, with my protector, Gandalf and the 13 dwarfs and the little hobbit who has begun to be a brother to me.

" Want to hear that Lava Lamp song?!" I yelled out. feeling a bit tipsy.

"Yes!!!!" All 13 dwarfs yelled back.

I happily took my iPod out and brought up the video for them. smiling as they watched the video because of the confused faces on some of the Dwarfs. Thorin actually laughed! His laughter made my heart melt.

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