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We had been walking and sleeping on the ground for a week now, and we were close to Beorns. although non of the dwarfs and Estel knew about him. Gandalf and I had met him when I was injured and needed healing and rest. He took me in for months while Gandalf went off on his own. Beorn is like a brother, very protective of me but he's a softy. Doesn't like dwarfs much.

Bilbo had went up between the rocks to see how far off the warg pack was. I knew they weren't too far from us.

"Everybody shut up! For goodness sake! I've got a headache and I will hurt who ever talks next!" I screamed out loud. Groaning I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. "I'm sorry I just really don't feel like myself at all."

The company, Gandalf and Estel continued to argue in whispers. I could hear Bilbo approaching so I yelled "Shhhhhhhh! Bilbo is back!"

He was panting and put his hands on his knees and put a finger up telling us to give him a moment, but Thorin was having non of it, he demanded to know how far the pack was and when Bilbo told them far enough to make a run for it, the company cheered. Bilbo tried tell Gandalf something but the dwarfs weren't listening.

"Will you all shut it? Bilbo has something to say," I said gesturing to the hobbit. "Go on Sweetie."

Did I really just treat him like a child?! What's wrong with me?

Bilbo looked at me funny along with Estel and Thorin. "There's something else out there! It was huge!"

"What shape did it take? Bear?" Gandalf demanded.

"Ye....yes," replied Bilbo.

"We've got to go guys! The pack isn't too far from us and that bear is coming!" I yelled to them.

We heard a roar and started running. Gandalf was in the lead for a hit till we got out of the trees and saw the hut. Then Bombur surprised all of us by out running everybody! I couldn't help but laugh.

We reached the door and nobody could reach the latch, Thorin pushed through the crowd and pushed the latch up causing the doors to burst open and some dwarfs to fall on the floor.

"Hurry! Help close the door! Strider, Angelina, help push," said Dwalin.

We managed to get the doors closed and we all let go of the breath we've been holding.

"What was that?!" Yelled somebody, I couldn't tell, my head was pounding and felt like it was going to burst. I plunked myself down in some hay and fell asleep.

When I woke up next it was dark out, and Beorn was standing in the doorway looking at the dwarfs in his house. he didn't look happy till he met my eyes. He smiled softly and beckoned me to follow him.

I was wrapped in arms and blankets. Seems like everyone thought I was cold. If anything I was too warm. I pried Thorin and Estel's arms off me and I got up.

Beorn led me outside to his garden. And sat down on a tree stump. "Are you alright?" He asked softly.

"Yes. I just don't feel right. Something is off." I told him while I gave him a hug. "I'm tired and hungry all the time. But also feel sick."

He sighed and looked me in the eyes. "I need you to be honest with me." I nodded. "Have you been sleeping with anybody?"

I blushed and scooted far from him. I looked down to my feet and sighed,"Yes. My soul mates."

"Soul mates? As in two?" He asked.

"Yes, but I don't see how that has anything to do with me feeling ill." I stated.

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