Finally......going back to Middle-Earth!!

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Just a quick note, any word typed in ITALICS is elvish, and any words typed in BOLD/ITALICS is dwarvish Anything typed like 'this'  is a mind link.

Thank-you and enjoy!


I was taking my usual walk in the woods after a long day of working around my foster home and getting beaten if I didn't do something right. I needed to cool off before my powers went crazy.

I hate it here, I just want to leave and go back to my own home, but Gandalf told me a year ago it is almost time for me to go back, and I can't wait to leave!

I hear a twig snap not too far from me, so I ran to the tree that hides my weapons. I grabbed my Bow and Quiver and my ring that helps me with my magic, I also grabbed my wand. I whistled for Methen and turned around knotching an arrow.

"Now is that a way to greet your Ada?" said a voice behind a tree.

"It is when you try to sneak up on somebody! Show yourself!" I yelled.

Methen bounded in front of me and sat wagging his tail waiting for the man to show himself. Just then the man came around from behind the tree.

"I'm not going to hurt you, if anything I'm here to take you home Angelina."

"Oh my goodness, Gandalf!" I said happily dropping my bow and arrow and ran to him and gave him a hug. "your truly going to take me home? This isn't a joke?"

"My child, of course your coming home, gather your weapons and whatever else you have hidden then we will be on our way." he replied with amusment.

I ran back to the tree and started to strap on my Throwing knives, daggers and sword. Grabbed my bag that had my important stuff in it, like my traveling gear and some Earth weapons and ammo. I looked around at the forest and said a silent goodbye to the animals and trees.

"Methen is coming too right? I can't leave him behind, he'll be too lost without me!" I said. "please let me bring him too! He wont hurt anybody he is very well trained, worst he will do is smother somebody to death with kisses!"

"of course he is coming too!" Gandalf replied. "Come my child, grab hold of me and I will open the portal. Remember you can never return. You will be home forever."

"I know. Does this have anything to do with Erebor? You know Middle Earth is in books here, I've read them, and let me tell you I will do my best to be sure that the bad will never happen!"

"Angelina, clam yourself, all will be explained in due time. Now hold my hand." he replied. I grabbed his hand and he started to mumble some spell and then a bright light appeared in front of us. He started to walk to it. I turned and called for Methen, who bounded past us and into the portal.

"He must be just as happy to get out of here as I am!" I said amusingly.

Still holding his hand, we walked through the portal and I had to close my eyes. It was bright and I felt like I was falling, I really hate that feeling!

My feet felt like they hit ground so I braced myself, somehow I let go of Gandalf and fell to my knees breathing heavily.

"Let's not do that again! Oh my fudge that was horrible!" I said as I looked up at him while clutching my chest.

"That will be your last time doing that Little Angel. Now let's go greet Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel." he replied while taking my hand and helping me up. "Now where is Methen?"

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