« ♡ » Chapter 12 - Roses

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Stepping out of the bathroom (Y/n) noticed a weird looking shadow on the floor of the main room. She traced it back to the window, realising there was a piece of paper taped to the glass. Walking over she pulled it down so that she could read it.

"You can explore the castle now or whatever. –Anti"

(Y/n) felt her heart flutter for a moment before realising there was small writing at the bottom of the page.

"P.S, you have to have me, Die or MCR with you at all times! –Anti"

"M... CR?" (Y/n) said slowly. "What's an MCR?" she moved her thumb to find even smaller writing underneath, and she had to bring the paper close to her face so that she could make out what it said.

"P.P.S, I realised you're too young to know what MCR is, so just know that I mean the edgelord. Dark. I mean Dark. –Anti"

"God, that was the most obnoxious letter I've ever read," (Y/n) muttered under her breath, folding up the piece of paper. She turned back to the window, noticing the gorgeous sunset.

I suppose it's a bit late to ask Anti for another tour, she thought to herself. (Y/n) decided she would head to bed for the day, having not much else to do and wanting to desperately explore the castle again in the morning.

She was sick to death of the plain stone walls of her room. (Y/n) craved some sort of change, even if it was restricted.

Hopefully Anti arrives fairly early in the morning, otherwise, I'll be stuck in this stupid room for another day.

The next morning (Y/n) woke up fairly early, making her bed and freshening up as much as she could. She decided that it was pretty gross to wear the same clothes day in and day out, so she raided the walk-in robe for a new change of clothes. (Y/n) ended up wearing whatever had caught her eye, not thinking too deeply on whether or not they were practical for a 'prisoner' to wear.

After she'd gotten changed (Y/n) walked back into the bedroom. She looked around for a moment before calling out, "Antisepticeye?"

This startled the wolves slightly, making them both look to (Y/n) with their ears pricked in the air.

"Anti?" she called out again, slightly louder this time. When she got no response back (Y/n) walked to the door of her room, looking back to Howl. He watched her warily with his narrowed eyes.

(Y/n) reached out slowly for the door handle, inching the door open just enough so that she could stick her head out into the hallway.

"Anti?" she called, hearing her voice echoing off the walls. When yet again there was no response (Y/n) closed the door somewhat sadly, turning back into the room only to jump in surprise when she saw Anti standing in front of her.

"So you're not calling me by my full name anymore? Good, I was actually getting kind of sick of it."

"God, you scared me half to death!" (Y/n) said, a hand over her rapidly beating heart.

"Nobody calls me 'Antisepticeye' except you, it's kinda weird," Anti continued, disregarding (Y/n)'s complaint. "You're lucky I was on this side of the castle or I wouldn't have even heard you."

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" (Y/n) asked.

Anti looked off to the side for a moment, thinking deeply on something.

"Ah, I guess I can tell you." He finally decided.

"Tell me what?"

"If you ever need me and you don't know where I am, just say 'Contrarium', got it?" he said.

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