« ♡ » Chapter 23 - The Sunset

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Flare seemed speechless, only staring up at Dark confusedly. "What the hell are you doing up there?"

"Oh, um... just... reading," Dark held up the small book he had. "What the hell are you doing down there?"

Flare shut the locket in her hand, discreetly trying to move it from view. "Nothing. Just getting some fresh air was all." There was a pause. "Wait- why are you reading on the roof?" she asked suddenly.

Dark didn't have a coverup response to that, so instead, he just told her the truth. "I just wanted to be alone, I suppose."

"Was the garden not 'alone' enough for you?" Flare asked, sounding genuinely curious.

"Ah, well... would anyone really expect to find me on the roof?" Dark responded.

"Fair point." she nodded.

"My neck is starting to hurt from all this looking up that I'm doing," Flare commented suddenly, noticing that Dark's aura seemed similar to the time she'd seen him in the garden... deflated, sad, somewhat melty. "Do you mind if I join you up there?"

Sure, she was still a little upset over what had happened with Dark and Blank, and even a little wary after what Blank had told her... but something deep inside (Y/n) told her to be there for Dark. Er... to hear him out, at least.

"Of course," Dark replied, sounding a little surprised. "Do you want me to come down instead?"

He watched in fear as Flare began to clamber out of the open window, shimmying her way along the outside of the castle as she began to scale its wall.

"Nah, I can make it up there," she said rather confidently.

"Are you quite sure?" Dark asked worriedly, afraid she might fall and break her neck. "I can come inside, really, there's no need for you to be-"

"Shut up, Mr Worrywart!" Flare snapped. "I'm almost up there, anyway."

Dark watched on in anxious silence as she continued to scale the wall. Thankfully, she pulled herself onto the roof with little hassle, appearing unscathed.

"See? What did I tell you?" she jested, taking a seat beside him. "They didn't make me a commander for nothing, you know. So what's got you so upset?"

"Who said I was upset?" Dark exclaimed.

"Well, you don't exactly hide it very well," (Y/n) laughed. "For starters, your little 'aura' thing is acting all depressed, and second of all you're moping around on the roof by yourself-"

"I do not mope," Dark sounded indignant.

"Then what are you doing on the roof by yourself?" She asked smugly.

She's got you there, Mark commented.

I am not moping.

It sure seems to me like you are-

"Oh Satan, not you too..." Dark muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes.

"Hm?" Flare turned to look at him. "What did you say?"

"Oh, er... nothing." Dark cursed Mark silently.

"What were you reading, anyway?" She pointed to the small book in his hands.

"It's, um..." Dark thought desperately for a response.

"An encyclopedia on plants?" Flare joked.

"Yes, something like that." Dark tried to suppress a smile.

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