« ♡ » Chapter 31 - The Explanation

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Flare flung the door to the barracks open, making several people inside jump. Among the large room was a mass of rebels, but (Y/n) was quickly able to identify where her group of friends was positioned and made her way over to them quickly.

Reef was the first to notice her as she approached, exclaiming, "Flare! Where the hell have you been!?"

Brandy's head shot up immediately and she quickly stood to greet her friend "There you are! We were all worried sick, thinking you'd run off to the castle again!"

Flare didn't respond immediately and Brandy sighed, but she continued before Brandy could say anything. "Look, there's no time to explain right now- at least, not yet," she said, and the group looked confused. "I need to go and find James first. This is something I need to tell all of you. I'll go and look for James, then we'll meet you guys in meeting room two-"

"There's no way we're splitting up after you just disappeared to god knows where for several hours," Brandy interrupted in good humour. "We're coming with you."

"Hell yeah we are," Reef added, and Trevor nodded his head in agreement.

"Actually," Marcie began quietly, "I think I might stay here, in the barracks. I'm not one for exciting expeditions like this," she said.

Brandy seemed torn. "I'll stay here with you, then," she said.

"No, I'll be fine," Marcie insisted. "You should go and be there for Flare. There's some people who need me here, anyway."

Brandy nodded after a moment, seeming as though she wasn't fully content with Marcie's answer but she accepted it nonetheless. "Alright then," she said, turning back to Flare. "Let's get going."


"Do any of you have an idea of where James is?" Flare asked as they all ran quickly through the camp.

"He might be near the administrative offices? Given the situation?" Reef suggested. The group quickly changed directions.

"Why do we need to find the general, again?" Trevor asked.

"Because I want you guys to all find out at the same time, this is something really important," (Y/n) reiterated as they approached the offices. "I owe it to you guys."

Flare threw the door open and revealed James sitting at his desk, apparently writing something down. "Goddammit, how hard is it to knock in this bloody place-?"

James looked up and caught sight of the group, focussing on Flare for a moment.

"Back so soon, commander?" He smiled as he stood from his seat. The rest of the group looked even more confused.

"James, there's something really important I need to tell all of you," (Y/n) glanced back at the rest of the group. "I wish I could have told you guys earlier, but-"

"General! General!" Someone was shouting as they approached the open door.

(Y/n) suppressed an outburst, biting her lip before turning to shout down the hallway. "The general's busy! Come back later!"

The person approaching ignored her, pushing and shoving through the group until he was face to face with James. "General, you need to come right now!" He exclaimed.

"Calm down, son," James said, putting a steady hand on the young man's shoulder.

"General, two demons broke into the camp and now we have them restrained inside one of the storage rooms!" The kid gasped. "Lieutenant Taylor sent for you immediately! You need to come now, sir! It's PewDie and Antisepticeye!"

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