« ❆ » Epilogue

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"Are you sure that you're quite alright with staying here whilst I heal you?" Die asked somewhat worriedly.

(Y/n) smiled and nodded her head, fiddling with the blanket on the bed somewhat rhythmically. "Yes, Die, I'm sure. Besides, I think I'd collapse before I made it back to the rebellion," she half-joked, though in truth much of her body still ached and her open wounds were still fresh. Not to mention her three broken ribs, the sling her arm was now in and her broken leg.

"I will have another message sent to the rebellion regarding your whereabouts and wellbeing, then, to prevent any sort of mass hysteria." Die reassured her.

It had been four days since the group of them had defeated Blank, and word had travelled fast of their victory. Though truthfully none of those involved felt very wholeheartedly pleased with the outcome.

"And I'll be sure to let your friends know that they are quite welcome to come and visit you here." Die noticed (Y/n)'s uncertain expression. "I'm sure that Dark won't mind, truly."

"No," (Y/n) reassured him after a moment, "It's just that I'm not so sure any of them will be inclined enough to step foot into the castle," she laughed.

"From the way they seem to care about you, I suspect that they'd travel three dimensions and back just to ensure that you're alright," Die replied. He had begun to pack up his things; various books on healing magic, as well as various bottles of odd-looking potions, herbs and elixirs.

"I'd better be off now, and leave you to have some peace," he said.

"Thank you, Die," (Y/n) said as she watched him make his way to the door.

"Don't mention it, Flare," he replied. (Y/n) felt herself squirm slightly upon hearing that name.

Die hesitated for a moment, as if thinking something over. (Y/n) prayed she hadn't worried him with her odd reaction.

"What is it, Die?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing, it's just that..." He paused again. "Are you quite sure that you're still wishing to attend Blank's burial?" Die finally asked.

(Y/n) closed her eyes and smiled softly. "Well, Die, I am still wishing to attend it if I may."

"Of course you may, it's simply that..." Die trailed off, as if he couldn't find the right words. Though (Y/n) knew he was trying to refer to how broken she had been over being the one who killed Blank just four days prior.

"I feel as though it would be... unjust, for me of all people, to decline such an occasion." (Y/n) explained. "And I would like to be there for the three of you. I know he was a very dear friend to all of you in years past."

Die nodded after a moment, and (Y/n) could tell that he sincerely appreciated her words. "Very well. I shall leave you now, though I'll be back in a few hours with another dose of medicine," Die added.

"Can you make it taste a little nicer next time?" (Y/n) complained lightheartedly.

"I'll try my best," he smiled and nodded before finally leaving the room.

(Y/n) sat in the comfortable silence he had left behind. She gazed around the room somewhat thoughtfully. It was the very same room that she had first been 'imprisoned' in, and Die had seemed quite surprised that she had no problems in returning to it.

It felt funny for (Y/n) to admit, even just to herself, but her time in the castle had been the best part of her life since the death of her family. She adored the rebellion, truly, and all they had done for her, but it had only ever added kindling to her unhealthy vendetta and "Flare" persona which she was only just coming to terms with.

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