« ❆ » Prologue

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Hardly anyone remembered what the world used to be like. Hardly anyone was old enough to have experienced what the world used to be like. Elders passed down stories of a time when humans weren't cowering in fear for their lives every moment, a time when everyone (generally) lived peacefully, freely, ignorantly...

Those who had lived previous to the New Dark Ages realised they had taken it all for granted. Many believed there was no way of going back to those days...

When the demons rose, some challenged their authority, but they were ultimately targeted, killed, and forced to go into hiding. Those who survived 'The Opposing' in the early days rallied together and formed the 'Blaze Rebellion', gathering their forces in a hope to stomp out the darkness and push the demons back underground.

(Y/n) and her family, however, wanted no part of this. When agents came knocking, urging them to join the rebellion and rise against The King, they all refused. They believed that if they avoided the rebellion and stayed out of trouble, they could sustain a somewhat normal way of life in this new world.

(Y/n) would be lying if she told you that she didn't sometimes think about joining the rebellion.

It's just some silly dream,

She told herself.

Besides; your family needs you here.

Readjusting the bag over her shoulder, (Y/n) ambled through the busy market. She was sent into town with the exact amount of money she needed to buy food for her family for the week.

"Get there and come home as quickly as possible, alright?" her mother had fussed over her before she left.

"I'll be fine, ma,"

"She's right, dear. She's been into town countless times before." (Y/n)'s father reassured his wife.

"I'm coming with you!" (Y/n)'s little brother announced.

"No, Joey, you have to stay here. You're too little." His mother scolded him.

"But muuuum!"

"It's alright, Joey, I'll take you into town one day soon!" (Y/n) promised.


"Really." She ruffled her brother's hair. "Now, I'll be back soon. Don't get up to too much trouble."

"Bye, dear. If you come across any demons, try your best to avoid them!" her mother called as she walked out the door.

"Don't worry, ma, I will!"


Continuing down the stalls of goods, (Y/n) bowed her head slightly as she passed a demon soldier. (Y/n)'s parents had taught her that if she caused no trouble and respected demons, she'd never go wrong and she'd stay out of trouble.

Once he'd passed her, (Y/n) ducked into one of the stalls to inspect the various foods and other edible goods sold there. Deciding there was nothing she needed, she ducked back out again, only to be barrelled over by someone who seemed to be running past.

As they both fell to the ground (Y/n) heard some people in the crowd 'ooh!' and startle, but no one attempted to help either of them. Instead, they all went back to whatever they were doing, some people even stepping over the two to go on their way.

(Y/n) sat up, rubbing her head for a moment before seeing the person she'd run into- they were cloaked, so she wasn't able to tell their species or gender. But it appeared that they'd dropped their bag, which (Y/n) also realised she'd done.

"Sorry, that was my fault- are you okay?" she tried to apologise, but the mysterious person only snatched up their bag and started running again.

"Weirdo..." (Y/n) muttered after a moment, picking up her bag and dusting herself off. What an odd encounter. Nonetheless, she had to buy food for her family, so she didn't dwell on the stumble for long.

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