« ♡ » Chapter 5 - The Guest Room

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When the smoke dissipated (Y/n) noticed the open door to the room. She took a step forward, only for one of the wolves to growl loudly again. (Y/n) had almost forgotten about them, honestly.

Looking quickly between the wolves she began to slowly walk backwards, towards the four-poster bed on the other side of the room.

While the wolves did not snarl or growl this time, their eyes followed (Y/n) carefully as she made her way across the room.

Running back into the bed, (Y/n) fell backwards onto the mattress and quickly scurried along until she could sit against the headboard. A moment of quiet passed before the wolves slowly began to move closer and closer towards (Y/n), each of them taking up one side of the bed before they both laid down.

While they were still (Y/n) took a moment to study them; they were almost identical, both far larger than any dog she had ever seen in her life, and both donning jet-black fur to match their darkly coloured eyes.

(Y/n) had never seen a wolf before. She'd read about them and seen pictures in books, but never had she seen one in real life; and as far as (Y/n) was concerned, nobody had seen wild wolves in what seemed like decades. Were these wolves demonic entities too?

While (Y/n) was thinking the door to the room slammed shut, startling her and one of the wolves slightly. (Y/n) couldn't recall having seen or heard anyone approach the room, let alone walk inside to grab the door handle. Then again... maybe she was so deep in thought she just hadn't noticed?

(Y/n) felt a shiver go down her spine.

She began to inspect the room. It was filled with dark, drab colours, apart from the odd artwork hanging on the wall and the red curtains. There was what seemed to be a closet near the bed and a closed-door across the room. There was also a large window, and from what (Y/n) could see it overlooked part of a rather large forest.

She had sat on the bed for god knows how long, wondering if the wolves were asleep (and if they were, could she possibly sneak past them?)

(Y/n) was almost too afraid to try. Did these wolves answer to anyone? No matter what the answer to that question was, it wasn't good for (Y/n).

Although she didn't really notice it, (Y/n) knew that a lot of time was passing. How long had it been? A few hours, maybe? The only indicator that any time had passed at all was the light that slowly began to leave the room as the sun was setting.

Even though (Y/n) was exhausted, she couldn't sleep. Not while she was here in Darkiplier's castle; in the enemy's territory. Not with those wolves so close to her.

Has it honestly been an entire day?

She yawned quietly. Nobody had come to the room at all since she'd arrived. Surely (Y/n) expected somebody to come and confront her about something, anything, really...

Then there was a light knock at the door, making (Y/n) jump a little.

Who could that possibly be?

The door opened slowly, revealing a young woman dressed in maid attire. The wolves perked up as she opened the door.

So they are awake. (Y/n) thought suspiciously.

The maid glanced cautiously between the two wolves before walking into the room.

The wolf on (Y/n)'s left stood and walked slowly to the edge of the room, watching both (Y/n) and the maid carefully as it sat down again.

The maid, a somewhat worried expression on her face, walked up to the side of the bed and placed a small tray on the bedside table.

(Y/n) lent over to inspect it, finding that the tray had a few slices of bread and a glass of water on it.

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