« ♡ » Chapter 6 - Well-Mannered Discussions

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When the maid delivered (Y/n)'s rations the following morning, she swapped the trays quickly and rushed out of the room. Which was odd, (Y/n) thought, but she brushed it off.

Turning to the new tray, (Y/n) was a little surprised to see several raspberries sitting on top of the small stack of bread.

I can't remember the last time I've seen raspberries,

(Y/n) thought wistfully, but quickly jumped out of her thoughts so that she could pop a raspberry into her mouth. Fruits such as this were considered very exotic around these parts; not because they were unable to be grown, but because The King kept most of it to himself.

Before (Y/n) had realised it, she had eaten all of the raspberries already.

Darn. She thought. Well, it was nice to have something other than bread and water for a change.

(Y/n) picked up a slice of bread to eat, barely noticing that Anti had appeared in her room again.

"Haven't escaped yet, have ye?" he asked sarcastically.

(Y/n) had almost gotten used to his sudden blurring by now, only shaking her head as she took another bite of bread.

"Good, otherwise I'd be in deep shit, ya hear, human?" (Y/n) looked up at him with tired eyes.

"Yikes! You look terrible," he laughed again, jumping into the air as he began to float. "What, wolf got your tongue?" He sighed. "Really, though, if you're worried about these two, don't be. They're just here to guard ya, so they won't eat you if ya fall asleep."

"I wasn't worried about that at all!" (Y/n) said. "But... how do you know they wouldn't? Hypothetically, that is?"

Anti snickered. "Ye humans are weird. Nah, they're under Dark's command, so they won't eat you unless he wants 'em to eat ya. Right now, though? You've got valuable information, so I'd say ye're pretty safe." Anti folded his arms behind his head as he began to float around.

"Well, you aren't getting anything out of me." (Y/n) responded.

"That's what they all say, lass."

Anti stayed in the room while (Y/n) finished her 'meal', looking almost as if he was thinking about something.

"I feel bad calling you 'human' and 'prisoner' all the time." He said unexpectedly.

"Who, you? Feeling bad about something? You're kidding," (Y/n) muttered.

"Hard to believe I know, but to reassure you that I haven't lost every shred of me dignity, I only feel a little bad." Anti then became quiet. "I have a terrible memory, y'know? What's yer name?" he asked suddenly again, turning to look at (Y/n) once more.

A moment of silence passed before (Y/n) responded.


"Nah, that wasn't it." Anti took up a 'thinking' position. "I remember ye tellin' me what it was when we met. I just can't remember what it was."

"My name is Flare, and that is what you'll call me." She responded, pulling her knees up so that she could rest her head.

"No, no, no, nonono..." Anti trailed off into muttering, a hand on his chin as he thought. He perked up suddenly, spinning to look at the girl.

"It's (Y/n)! That's your name, isn't it? (Y/n)?" she stared back at Anti with cold, dark eyes.

"No. Not to you it's not. My name is Flare."

"Flare? Pfft, that's not a real name! Flare. God, who do you think you are?" Anti began to laugh hysterically, making (Y/n) even more upset.

"You won't call me (Y/n)! You will call me Flare and nothing else!" She burst out suddenly. Anti barely seemed to respond to it. "If you call me (Y/n) I won't talk to you. I'll just ignore you until you address me the way I've asked of you." she turned away, tucked into a ball.

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