« ♡ » Chapter 3 - Paxton

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(Y/n) began to feel the outside world fading in as she started to slowly regain her senses. The first thing she noticed was the cold floor beneath her, then the familiar, musty smell of the dungeon- wait, the dungeon? She sat up quickly, opening her eyes to look around.

I'm in... The King's dungeon?

(Y/n) thought quietly for a moment. Suddenly her memories came flooding back to her; she'd fought The King.

And she'd lost.

She didn't have long to dwell on the thought, though, as her attention was caught by a voice off to her left.

"Hey, you!" someone called out. (Y/n) turned to see someone sitting in the cell next to her own. "You're finally awake. You were trying to free us, right? Walked right into that royal ambush." He had short brown hair and dark eyes.


"They ambushed you. I'm surprised that everyone else made it out alive." The man suddenly hardened his stare. "Wait... you didn't come alone, did you?"

(Y/n) studied him for a moment and realised that she had never met this man before. Was he part of the rebellion? She sighed. "No, I came with two other squadrons. Mine was the one tasked to infiltrate the castle and retrieve all of you, but lucky for us the guards are so terrible at their jobs that we were able to escape the ambush."

"Hey, what did you say about us?" one of the guards bellowed as he trudged through the dungeon, another two guards trailing behind. (Y/n) stood up and walked to the front of the cell, putting her hands on the bars.

"I said, you're all a bunch of witless oafs who could easily be replaced by rats!" the guard looked at her somewhat shocked. "The rats could be flea-ridden and dead and they'd still do a better job than the lot of you-!"

(Y/n) was cut off when suddenly the head guard reached through the bars of the cell and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, lifting her into the air. Several quiet gasps from other prisoners echoed throughout the dungeon.

"You better watch your bloody mouth, wench!"

"Put her down!" called the man from the cell beside (Y/n)'s. "Don't hurt her, she's just a silly little girl with a sharp tongue!"

The head guard shot him a glare before turning back to (Y/n). "You're lucky that you've got immunity from The King, otherwise I'd have you executed where you stand!" he spat, throwing her to the floor before stomping away again, the two guards following behind without a word.

"Silly little girl? Seriously?" (Y/n) asked somewhat indignantly.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?" the man in the other cell demanded in a gruff tone.

(Y/n) sat up slowly, rubbing the arm she'd landed on. "I don't know," the clattering of metal was heard as she pulled something out from behind herself. "Am I?"

"Holy shit..." the man's jaw hung open for a moment as he stared at the keys in (Y/n)'s hand. "You definitely are."

"They didn't make me a commander for nothing."

"Sure didn't," the man grinned.

"What's your name?" (Y/n) asked.

"Trevor. Trevor Paxton." He held his hand out through the bars of the cell. "You?"

(Y/n) outstretched her arm, grabbing Trevor's hand and shaking it heartily.

"You can call me Flare."


"So... what did you do to get shoved in here?" Trevor asked. Both he and (Y/n) were leaning on the back wall of their cells, the cell bars the only thing dividing them.

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