« ♡ » Chapter 24 - The Breakout

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"He should have been back by now!" Liam exclaimed, slamming his fist down on the table.

"No shit, Sherlock," Trevor muttered under his breath.

Liam side-eyed him warily. "What's the thief doing here, again?" he demanded more than asked.

"Shut your trap, Liam," Brandy snapped. "If anyone can tell us anything about Flare or the castle, it's Trevor."

"I still don't understand why he's here. This is a top-secret meeting!" Liam insisted.

"God, is he always like this?" Trevor asked Reef quietly.

"Yeah, unfortunately," Reef replied.

"What an insufferable prick," Trevor commented.

Reef tried not to laugh, apparently agreeing. "I like you already."

"I heard that!" Liam turned to them indignantly.

"I just don't understand why the General would insist on going alone," Marcie chimed in. "Does he really think he can negotiate for The King to just hand Flare over?"

"Unless..." Brandy turned to Marcie, and they shared a horrified look.

"Unless he offered himself up in exchange for her safe return..." Reef seemed to state what they were all now thinking.

"But why would the General do that? He's smarter than that to just give himself up!" Liam seemed annoyed that the group would suggest such a thing.

"I dunno, Liam, he would have been back by now otherwise." Reef argued.

"Well, that settles it, then." Everyone looked to Liam in confusion. "I'm just going to have to inform the board about this." Liam glared around the room.

"What? Don't you fucking dare, Liam!" Brandy jumped to her feet. "You know for a fact that James went to meet The King without the board's permission! If they find out, James is going to be ostracised!"

"Good," Liam spat. "Hopefully they'll appoint me general for my loyalty to them as well as this rebellion. Ostracisation isn't the General's biggest worry right now, I can assure you. I'd be more concerned with your own punishments when I tell the board you've been conspiring underneath them!"

Liam turned and started walking to the door, Brandy pointing a finger after him. "Stop him! We can't let him tell the board!"

Trevor jumped to his feet immediately alongside Reef, the two of them sprinting to reach Liam before he could open the door. Trevor got to him first, grabbing one of his arms, so Reef grabbed Liam's other arm and they both started trying to restrain him.

"Let me go, you mutinous whelps!" Liam yelled.

"Shut him up before someone hears him!" Brandy exclaimed, rushing over.

Without a second thought Trevor punched Liam in the jaw, knocking the poor sod completely unconscious. Reef let go of Liam's arm as he fell to the ground.

The three of them turned to stare at Trevor somewhat astoundedly.

"Sorry," Trevor scratched the back of his neck apologetically. "Was that too brutal?"

"I mean... you got him to shut up, at least," Brandy said.

"What do we do with him now?" Reef asked, looking down at Liam's unconscious body.

"I know!" Marcie piped up, and everyone turned to look at her expectantly. "We could tie him up and leave him in the cupboard," she pointed to what looked to be a cleaning closet that sat at the corner of the room.

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