« ♡ » Chapter 14 - The Map

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(Y/n) stood in the middle of her room, looking around somewhat nervously. Sparky and Howl were at their regular positions, one on each side of the bed.

Contrarium. It can't be that easy, can it? 

(Y/n) suppressed a wince, instead taking a deep breath in.

She had eaten breakfast a little earlier which was nothing too special; a few pieces of toast accompanied by a glass of water. During that time the sun had risen reasonably high into the sky and thankfully wasn't low enough anymore to be glaring in through the window at a weird angle.

"Contrarium," (Y/n) said in a loud voice. She wasn't quite sure how loud she had to be or if any of it actually affected how well Anti would hear her, so she just hoped for the best.

Anti's smoke began to seep into the room, and after a moment he appeared before (Y/n).

"What is it, human?" he asked.

"I want to go explore the castle again!" She explained, and Anti sighed.

"I hate to tell ya, lass, but I've got important stuff to do today. I won't be around again until late in the evening."

"Oh, that's alright... I'll just... stay here, then," (Y/n) responded. Anti noticed her crestfallen expression and he winced involuntarily.

"Hey, uh, look... maybe I can get one of the other two to look after ye? Die wouldn't mind babysitting for a day."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Of course I'm sure!" Anti said. (Y/n) seemed to light up like a Christmas tree, trying to suppress a wide smile but ultimately failing in the end.

That's more like it,

Anti thought to himself. He didn't like seeing people sad; he never knew what to do. He was just lucky that this time there was an easy fix for the situation.

"Now c'mere, I gotta take you to Die soon before I have to leave." Anti gestured with a flick of his head for (Y/n) to walk closer, which she did rather excitedly.

"Don't go annoyin' Die, now, since I haven't actually told him he'll be babysitting you for the day."

"Are you sure it'll be okay with him?" (Y/n) asked again.

"Who cares?" Anti replied. "As long as I run out of there before he realises, he'll feel too guilty to leave you by yourself again."

Before (Y/n) could even begin to protest Anti had grabbed hold of her arm, holding her in place as he teleported them out of the room.

(Y/n) opened her eyes to see the familiar space that was Die's office. Although Anti had performed his daegicae the day before, she half hoped that the shiny specs had stuck around, but unfortunately there was no trace of them left at all.

"Oh- Anti, Flare," Die looked like he had just walked into his office, in the middle of closing the door. "What can I help you two with?"

"Yer babysittin' the lass today," Anti said quickly.

"What? Anti, I really can't-"

"Toodaloo, hope you two don't have too much fun while I'm gone!" Anti jumped into the air, pulling a face at Die before teleporting away mid-jump. Die sighed, turning to look at (Y/n).

"I'm sorry that it seems he's just... dumped you here, but unfortunately I'm not nearly as 'fun' as he might be." He said.

"That's fine," (Y/n) said. Truthfully she didn't mind if she just had to sit in a chair all day- she wanted to be in the presence of someone else for a while, otherwise, she'd have to sit in a silent room with Sparky and Howl for another several hours.

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