« ♡ » Chapter 13 - Daegicae

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(Y/n) collapsed onto the floor of the hallway, drawing in deep breaths.

"That was awesome!" Anti exclaimed, jumping around enthusiastically.

"What? Aren't you tired? We've been running around for like twenty minutes straight!" (Y/n) wheezed out.

"Seriously? You're beat already?" Anti sounded upset, but she couldn't tell whether or not he was being genuine.

"Anti, I'm pretty sure that even for a demon you have an unrealistic amount of energy,"

"Hey, I know what we can do!" Anti looked as if he'd just had a 'light bulb' moment. "What if we go do some training?" he suggested.

"Where?" (Y/n) asked, standing up again after she'd finally caught her breath.

"In the training room, ya tool! Where else?"

"There's a training room?" she looked to Anti with an astounded look on her face.

"I'm flattered that ye assume me combat ability is purely natural, lass, but even I have to train every now and again." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Where is it, anyway?" (Y/n) asked.

"Do you want me to just teleport us there? I think you're gonna collapse before we make it." Anti joked.

"I'll be fine!" (Y/n) retorted indignantly.

"Nah, I don't trust you." Anti slung one of his arms around (Y/n)'s shoulders, putting all of his weight onto her.

"Hey!" This surprised her slightly, and she nearly fell over seeing as she wasn't expecting to have to hold him up.

While (Y/n) struggled to keep her balance she noticed the hallway around them fade into the same strange black void before a new room began to appear around them.

"Here we are!" Anti said, standing up again. When (Y/n) had straightened herself up again she began to look around the room.

It was absolutely enormous, and she could imagine at least three-quarters of the entire royal guard sparring in here. One small section of the wall was lined with various weapons (many of them fakes or replicas, thankfully), and in another spot there sat several punching bags slumped against the wall.

At one end of the giant space, there was even a small ensemble of wooden post dummies, several of them having wooden swords taped (rather badly) to one of their protruding wooden rungs.

"It's great, isn't it?" Anti asked giddily, and (Y/n) looked up to see him floating around high in the room. It seemed to her like this was his garden.

Anti landed back on the ground rather delicately. "How's yer hand-to-hand combat?" he asked, taking up a fighting stance.

"What? Are we really going to spar?" (Y/n) laughed a little.

"That's what we came here for, wasn't it?" Anti began to edge closer to (Y/n). "If I remember correctly we're 1-0, me winning our last fight."

"One all, actually," she corrected him rather slyly. "I do recall that I won our first fight."

"Won? Oh, please. You ran away!"

"No better time than now to settle the score, I guess." (Y/n) settled into her own fighting stance, rushing forward and striking out at Anti.

She missed him completely as he jumped away, and he retaliated by socking her in the jaw. (Y/n) stumbled back, but managed to keep her balance.

He could have totally knocked me out then,

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