« ♡ » Chapter 35 - The End

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Blank had thought of it as the perfect plan. They were all so unsuspecting, so unready for what he had prepared.

It escapes many just how close Blank truly was to murdering Dark. How if Anti hadn't intervened the moment he had, Dark would certainly be dead.

That's not to say that Dark got away from the situation unscathed.

A long scar, about half the length of his back, reminded him constantly of that day. It was the only day Dark had ever truly feared for his life.

And that was because demons didn't get scars. Their regenerative abilities prevented this. Let alone the king of the world, the most powerful being alive.

Dark didn't get scars.

They were supposed to heal away.

The wound inflicted by the Sica Sacra Divus had bled and bled for hours on end, refusing to heal as any other wound normally would for a demon. When it eventually did begin to heal, with much assistance from Die, the scar still remained.

Dark quickly realised that Blank had fully intended to kill him that day. And he damn near succeeded.


As the swarm of minions tumbled towards the group, some of them appearing to fly and others on foot, Dark and Die immediately launched themselves back into the air while Anti and Flare began to fight on the ground.

(Y/n) pulled out the Sica Sacra Divus from her belt and sliced effortlessly through one of the ghosts' middle sections, and almost instantly it evaporated into the air. She turned to see Anti fighting several with his regular dagger, struggling as they apparently didn't die as easily for him.

(Y/n) ran forward and plunged her dagger into the back of one of the ghosts, and again it evaporated into the air.

"What!? That's not fair!" Anti cried, turning to battle an approaching minion. He stabbed it several times before kicking it in the chest to knock it back into a wall. The ghost evaporated upon the hard impact with the stone.

"It's not like I have regenerative abilities like you!" (Y/n) reasoned, taking out a couple of minions before returning to Anti's side to aid him again. "These phantoms could kill me!"

"That's your fault for bein' a stupid fuckin' human!" Anti retorted, leaping past (Y/n) to attack a minion that was approaching from behind.

He punched it across the face before stabbing it in the chest. "Magus crepitus!" A blast of glitching energy hit the ghost and it evaporated immediately. "Wait, did you just call them phantoms?" Anti backtracked.

"Do you have a better name for them?" She argued.

Anti didn't reply, taking out several more of the minions. Suddenly a phantom approached from behind (Y/n) and it slashed at her with its sword.

"Flare!" Anti exclaimed, but suddenly a large swarm of them began to target him and he got swept away trying to fight them all at once.

(Y/n) turned at the last moment and saw the phantom's weapon flying towards her, but it hit some invisible force and the ghostly blade shattered upon impact. A bubble flashed for a moment around (Y/n) before becoming invisible again.

Die's rune! She realised. Flare quickly moved to kill the phantom and it evaporated into the air.

"Don't rely on that too heavily," Die called out suddenly, referring to the rune. "It won't shield you from every attack, so stay on your toes!"

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