« ♡ » Chapter 26 - Brutally Honest

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(Y/n) returned to her room, unsure of where else to wait until the hour ticked over.

I wonder what Die wanted to see Dark about? Hmm... I should ask Dark about Anti, too... Maybe Blank was confused? Or... maybe Dark sent Anti away for a good reason?

(Y/n) began to wrack her brain for any kind of good excuse, beginning to feel sick when she couldn't think of one. She decided to take her mind off of things.

"V... Vocivus?" She called out hesitantly, not entirely sure if she wanted to speak to Blank right now.

Barely a moment passed before Blank appeared in front of (Y/n), in a similar fashion to how Dark or Anti would appear in a cloud of smoke. Though, she noted, the mist surrounding Blank seemed faded and thin.

"Hello, my dear Flare." Blank greeted politely. "How are you?" he gave a slight bow, and (Y/n) wasn't sure if she should have done the same.

"Oh, I'm quite well, thank you for asking." She replied.

"What did you need of me?" Blank asked.

"Well... nothing, really. I just wanted to chat a little. Sorry, I'm sure you were doing more important things..." (Y/n) suddenly felt stupid for calling Blank, as if she had disrespected his demon name by using it so recklessly.

"No, no, this is precisely what I wanted you to do," Blank reassured (Y/n) as she took a seat at the end of the bed. "Besides, talking to you is always a treat, my dear."

"I'm glad to hear it, Blank. I like talking to you too." She smiled warmly at him.

Blank sighed. "I'm sure you've heard the bad news by now, haven't you?" he asked somewhat sadly. (Y/n) gave him a confused look. "I'm awfully sorry to bring down the mood like this, too." Blank continued, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What are you talking about?" Flare asked him.

"Surely you heard that Dark threw the General of the rebellion into his dungeon?" Blank looked shocked. "And after he went back on their deal, too..."

"The what? What deal?" (Y/n) was becoming distressed now. She hadn't heard about any of this.

"Oh, my dear Flare..." Blank moved to sit beside her. "Not long after you were captured, Dark sent out a broadcast telling the rebellion that they needed to offer up something in exchange for you. Just yesterday General James walked into the castle himself in exchange for your safe return.

"But... instead of setting you free, Dark simply imprisoned the General, too. I had to free him from the dungeon this morning, knowing how cruel Dark can be towards members of the rebellion." Blank watched (Y/n)'s face contort in anger and confusion.

"Don't tell me you didn't know? All this time? You poor dear," Blank put a comforting hand onto Flare's shoulder.

"Are... Are you sure, Blank? About all of that?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief.

"Why of course I am." (Y/n) found it hard to not believe his serious tone.

"Thank you for... freeing James," (Y/n) tried to smile, pushing away her emotions.

"It's no worry at all. I've told you before that I support the rebellion, which is why Dark, unfortunately, banished my presence from his castle yet again." Blank explained. "So between you and me, I was never here." He gave her a playful wink.

"Y-Yeah, of course, Blank." (Y/n) went quiet.

"What's the matter, my dear?" Blank asked, picking up on her sudden change in mood.

"It's nothing, Blank, I just... Are you sure that Dark banished Anti?" She looked at him expectantly.

"Why would I lie to you, Flare?" Blank responded, his tone edging on bitter.

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