« ♡ » Chapter 17 - The Voice

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Die had spent the past few hours contacting demons across the globe to inquire why Anti was allowed to simply leave.

"What did you want us to do? Fight him?"

"If that's what it took, then yes! Having Anti in the castle under these circumstances could result in far worse outcomes," Die had to explain to them.

Though they didn't know the 'circumstances' included Blank stopping by, none of them had the spine to even ask in the first place.

Die was now rushing his way towards Dark's office on foot. He had never been a big teleportation user, at least compared to Anti and Dark; at times he often forgot he had such an ability. Seeing as he was so close to the office now, Die found it pointless in teleporting the rest of the way.

Die flung open the door to Dark's office, stunned for a moment at the sheer mess inside. Books and writing utensils as well as loose pieces of paper were strewn haphazardly around the room.

"It's very unusual of you to not knock, Die." Came Dark's voice, and Die finally noticed his king on the ground, slumped against the front of the desk.

"Dark!" Die exclaimed, becoming panicked as he rushed over. "What on earth happened here? Are you hurt?"

"No, no, I'm fine," Dark sat up slowly. "Honestly, stop making such a fuss."

Die noticed that he sounded different than usual, his speech almost slurred. Die furrowed his brow. "You are most certainly not okay. What happened?"

"Anti." Dark glanced around at the state of his office.

"What?" Die sounded as if he couldn't believe it. "Why?"

"I told him that Blank would be arriving tomorrow," Dark said, and Die's expression became grave.

"Die, what's your stance on anima verto?" Dark asked out of the blue.

"I'm... sorry?"

"What do you think of its existence?" Dark asked again.

"Well, simply put, it doesn't exist, my king. It has never been proven to exist and remains a myth." Die paused. "Forgive me, but how does this relate to the current situation if I may ask?"

"I was just reading that silly book up there," Dark threw his hand in the air, trying to gesture to the book on his desk.

"But it doesn't matter; it must just be all the stress collapsing in on me. After all, it's strange even for a demon to hear voices in his head." Dark finished, closing his eyes.

Die's eyes widened. "What?"

"It doesn't matter." Dark turned away. "Maybe I'm sick."

Die looked over Dark, piecing everything together. Unusually weak, hearing voices, making abnormal decisions and overall acting out of the ordinary... but it couldn't be. It just couldn't.

"Does the voice in your head sound like you?" Die asked.

"Of course it does," Dark sounded annoyed, as if the answer was obvious. "They're my thoughts."

"Are you sure that they're yours?" Die urged. He didn't get a response from Dark. For a moment he feared he was dead, but then Die heard soft snoring.

He shook Dark awake, but it seemed to barely bring him out of his slumber. "Dark, listen to me, are you absolutely certain that they're your thoughts? Or do you think they might be someone else's?"

"I don't know," Dark tried to wriggle out of Die's grip but had barely enough strength to move at all.

Why don't you know? What, don't you know your own thoughts when you think of them?

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