« ♡ » Chapter 30 - The Clumsy Lantern

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Together they stumbled through the backstreets and alleyways to avoid gaining too much attention, soon finding themselves outside a small, shabby-looking building with a tattered sign on it reading 'The Clumsy Lantern'.

"Man, you weren't kidding when you said 'run-down'," (Y/n) joked. "Come on, at least you'll be able to sit down somewhere inside and rest."

She pushed the door open and guided Die inside. Looking around, Flare noticed that the entire place was empty save for Anti who was sitting at the bar, as well as the barkeep who was cleaning glasses a few feet away behind the counter.

"Anti?" (Y/n) called out, almost in disbelief. He didn't turn or look as they approached.

"How long have you been here?" Die asked as (Y/n) helped him to one of the bar stools beside Anti. Once again, Anti didn't respond.

"He's been sitting in that exact same spot for... what, five days now?" The barkeep, who Flare realised must be Emgid, said suddenly. "I was starting to think he died until he asked for another glass."

(Y/n) looked at Anti who remained silent. He was swirling a glass of darkly coloured liquid, the ice making a noise against the tumbler every once and a while.

"How much has he had? Are we sure he isn't drunk?" (Y/n) asked, turning back to Die.

"No, he won't be. As silly as it sounds it's because of his demonic-Irish heritage," Die explained, turning to the barkeep. "I'll have what he's having."

"Seriously? I thought that was a myth," (Y/n) said, referring to Die's explanation as she sat down between the two demons.

"For ya humans, it is," Anti spoke suddenly, "But us demons? Very, very, unfortunately real."

The barkeeper put Die's drink down in front of him and looked to Flare after a moment. She quickly realised he was waiting for her drink request. "O-Oh, um, yeah, the same for me too, please."

"So you've been here since that fight you had with Dark?" Die asked, and Anti rolled his eyes before taking a drink.

"The what?" Flare exclaimed, looking between Anti and Die quickly.

"That fuckin' fight I had with Dark, because he let that no good, lying bastard back into the castle as if nothin' ever fuckin' happened!" It took (Y/n) a moment to realise he was referring to Blank. "And there was no fuckin' way I was standin' for it. So I left Dark to clean up the mess himself this time, because I ain't fuckin' helping again." Anti drank the rest of the alcohol in his glass before putting it back down on the counter. Emgid moved forward to refill it almost instinctively.

Flare felt herself sink into her barstool, feeling even guiltier for ever believing a word that Blank had told her. He really had lied about everything.

"Look, Anti, I know you're annoyed- I am too," Die started, "But we need to do something before Blank takes over. Have you seen the news lately?" Anti didn't reply.

Die sighed and picked up his drink, taking a small sip before making a funny face at the taste of the alcohol. "Bleugh! I still don't know how you drink this stuff," he said, placing the glass back onto the counter carefully.

Emgid placed a glass in front of (Y/n) and she went to pick it up before Anti cut in, snatching it away from her in panic.

"What the hell do ya think yer doin', lass!?" He exclaimed. "Demon liquor will melt the flesh right off yer human bones! What are ya, an idiot?" Anti shook his head and sighed before downing the drink in one go.

"You're just being dramatic, you alcoholic," (Y/n) muttered indignantly. She caught sight of Emgid after a moment, who was shaking his head quickly.

"Whatever..." She muttered, turning away.

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