« ♡ » Chapter 21 - The Dreamscape

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After the confrontation with Blank, Dark had taken Flare back to her room. He had requested Die's presence as well, not trusting any of the human nurses enough to look after her (and knowing that Die specialised in healing spells).

Dark watched her sleeping figure- she didn't seem harmed. But he had to be sure.

He couldn't stop thinking about the surge of adrenaline he had felt right before he took back control of his body. It was odd, to say the least. He planned to ask Die about that too.

Mark had also been uncharacteristically quiet since Blank had left. At first, Dark assumed he had left the consciousness, but was proven wrong when he felt Mark's presence once more.

Once again a single thought crossed Dark's mind.

Why had he acted like that? And to what extent?

It puzzled him to no end. Why had he acted like that? It almost felt like an involuntary action, yet he knew that was quite impossible.

He had been so... vocal about it all. Usually, he insisted on remaining civil with his stance on Blank, but something had snapped inside Dark and he just let all the words tumble out as they came to his mind. He despised how reckless and ignorant he had been.

Dark was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed Flare move in his peripheral vision. She had begun to toss and turn in her sleep.

She's fine.

Dark told himself.

Who are you trying to convince?

Mark piped up suddenly. Sometimes Dark forgot he shared a body now.

Because honestly, I wasn't worried at all.

Dark ignored him.

Sorry, Mark added quickly. Honestly, though, I'm sure she's alright.

Dark missed having his own thoughts. Now it was like he couldn't have a single epiphany without Mark knowing about it.

Dark knew that Flare was fine, but every time she tossed or moved in what seemed to be discomfort he felt a stab of worry within himself. Why? He preferred not to dwell on the matter with Mark sharing the consciousness.

Dark reached out suddenly, letting his fingertips lightly brush the side of Flare's face as he tucked a hair behind her ear. After a moment he rested his hand gently against her head, breathing in deeply and closing his eyes.

When he opened them again he was in the castle garden, and he sensed Mark's confusion.

What did you just do? Mark asked.

We've entered her dreamscape. Dark responded.

Although he invited himself in, Dark made sure to stay to the shadows and out of sight, for fear of waking up Flare if she saw him here.

That's when he saw her; she was standing in front of a rosebush, admiring the blooms.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Mark butt in.

Be quiet, Dark snapped in annoyance. In all honesty, Dark didn't know what his goal was here either.

(Y/n) reached out to touch one of the roses, and immediately all of the flowers began to wilt; then the bush itself; then the surrounding bushes, until eventually, the entire garden was in the process of shrivelling up.

Dark noticed her distraught expression.

"I-I didn't mean to-" she had begun to stammer to herself when someone suddenly spun her around to face them.

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