« ♡ » Chapter 33 - Dagger of the Sacred Divine

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"I can't believe you didn't listen to me," (Y/n) exclaimed angrily. "You too, Die! Why didn't you stop Anti?"

"What? Are you being serious right now? How would you have stopped him?" Die replied rather indignantly.

"Okay, you've got me there," (Y/n) grumbled, "But you two are darn lucky that I came as quickly as I did! Liam is a nut-job at the best of times and if he'd thought about going to the board even a second before we arrived you two would have been dead!"

"No way!" Anti argued. "Did you see how fuckin' easily I broke those ropes? I coulda easily fought my way outta there if Die hadn't convinced me not to! It was absolutely humiliating having to fake a loss to that tosspot Liam!" He continued to complain.

"Yeah, well, imagine fighting on the same side as him," Flare added. "If I punched him in his stupid face even once I'd basically be put to exile by the board!"

"The 'board' does seem kind of redundant though, does it not?" Die asked. "Especially when you already have The General."

"No, the board is above James," (Y/n) explained. "Though it's not like they do much good. Every decision they make sends us backwards instead of forwards. When I left the castle and made it back to the rebellion the board forced me into a meeting, speaking as if I wasn't there and labelling me as insane before putting me under house arrest!"

"I don't imagine that went over well," Anti laughed lightly.

"James had to drag me away before I did something I'd regret. All those board members do is sit up on their bench and do fuck-all while the rest of us are breaking our backs to keep the rebellion standing. The General gets no assistance from them, either, and he's just expected to be able to deal with everything on top of the board's insane mandates and rules!" (Y/n) continued.

"Well, it sounds to me like the board will be on its way out soon." Die said.

"What do you mean?" Flare asked.

Die glanced at her. "If the board is as damaging and unnecessary as you're making it out to be, the members of the rebellion will see through it soon enough. When there's an unjust power people will rise above to fight it. That's how the rebellion was formed, wasn't it?"

(Y/n) nodded her head thoughtfully for a moment. "I hope you're right, because I've just about had enough of them."

"Actually, Flare," Die began suddenly, "if you don't mind, I actually wanted to ask you something."

"Of course, what is it?"

"What did your friend Reef mean when he spoke about you supposedly being freed by The King?" Die asked plainly.

"Yeah!" Anti exclaimed. "I was wondering about that too! Spill the beans, what happened? Did Dark really just let ya walk?"

(Y/n) began to think frantically, becoming visibly nervous.

"If you don't wish to answer, that's quite alright, too." Die added, though Anti seemed to deflate.

"What? No! I haven't been in the castle for like, five whole days! I need to catch up on everything I missed!" Anti whined. Die looked like he was about to scold Anti before (Y/n) butt in.

"Yeah, he did let me go. But before that he... apologised."

Both Anti and Die seemed surprised at this. "What did he apologise for exactly?" Die asked.

"Well, he said he'd lost track of all the things he was sorry for so instead he just apologised for 'everything'," she explained. "I said that I was sick of him lying to me and then he told me... about this thing called 'Anima Verto'?"

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