« ♡ » Chapter 20 - The Confrontation

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Somehow, (Y/n) had found her way into the training room. She was upset, and seeing as Anti had yet to return, she opted to beat the shit out of some punching bags to let off some steam.

(Y/n) was fed up. Fed up with Dark manipulating her, fed up with Die for lying to her, fed up with Anti for leaving her...

The only thing to decide on now was whether or not she took this chance to escape. Anti wasn't here to stop her, and she doubted that anyone else would notice she was gone before it was too late.

She hadn't heard anything from the rebellion, either. Were they even coming for her? Were they even in the process of planning it?

At the thought, half of (Y/n) argued it would be more worthwhile to just stay in the castle as a prisoner. There was nothing left for her out in the world.

Yet the other half of her insisted on fighting, breaking out of the castle and booking it back to the rebellion.

(Y/n) hated not knowing what to do. It reminded her of the farm girl she used to be. Weak, indecisive, unwilling.

Her mind was too noisy to focus on anything in particular right now, so (Y/n) blocked out all her thoughts and began wailing on the punching bag, letting out all her anger and frustration.

Punch after punch, there were no thoughts behind her hits. (Y/n) was just letting her emotions rush through her in a wild adrenaline-filled beat down on the punching bag in front of her.

Feeling a presence behind her (Y/n) instinctively spun on her heel with her arm following through, just barely stopping herself in time before she could punch whatever poor soul had distracted her.

Her fist was held mere inches from a man's pale face, and the first thing (Y/n) noticed was his eyes. Er, lack thereof. She couldn't tell, honestly. The funny part was that he hadn't even flinched.

"Sorry, am I... interrupting something?" He asked rather nonchalantly. When (Y/n) didn't respond he swatted her hand away from his face. "Feel free to carry on, I was just popping in anyway."

He scrunched his nose up for a moment in what seemed to be disgust, but (Y/n) could tell he was trying to suppress it without wincing. "I'm sorry, but are you that pesky little human that Dark's been holding prisoner?"

"How do you know Dark?" she asked without thinking.

"Right," his face lit up as if realising something. "You can call me Blank. Dark and I used to be..." He looked off to the side for a moment- at least, (Y/n) assumed that was what he was doing. She quite literally couldn't tell.

"Used to be..?" she prompted him.

Blank looked back to her. "Well, I guess you could say we used to be friends. Good friends, at that." He looked her up and down for a moment. "Excuse my ignorance, but... you don't exactly look like a prisoner to me," Blank said.

Before (Y/n) could respond she realised a black, inky liquid had begun to seep from Blank's eyes. Alarmed, her eyes widened as she tried her best not to panic.

"U-um, your eyes, they-"

Blank seemed to immediately know what she was referring to, quickly pulling a handkerchief from his pocket.

"Terribly sorry about that," he said, wiping his eyes. "Funnily enough I have no control over it or when it happens. A rather unfortunate first impression, wouldn't you say?"

(Y/n) laughed nervously in agreement, trying not to stare. "Why did you come in here, anyway?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

"I could ask you the same thing, prisoner," Blank joked, putting the handkerchief back into his pocket.

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