« ♡ » Chapter 2 - The Anniversary

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"Quickly, and don't make a sound!" (Y/n) hissed to the rebels she was leading, stopping briefly before continuing through the grass and foliage. She stopped again and looked around quickly; all seemed to be going well so far.

(Y/n) stood at the head of her team as they pressed themselves against the castle's outer wall. She poked her head around the corner of the entrance but pulled back quickly when she realised two guards were standing there. Regaining her breath, (Y/n) turned to her team and put a finger to her lips.

They all waited silently until (Y/n) heard one of the guards say, "Finally, shift's over." (Y/n) then heard one of them yawn. "Thank Lucifer,"

The sound of both of their suits of armour clambering became quieter and more distant as (Y/n) assumed they were both walking away.

Not yet.

She told herself.

I have to wait for the signal.

(Y/n) stared at the top of the castle wall until she saw a sudden flickering reflection. It shined once, twice, three times.

There it is. We're all clear, now.

(Y/n) motioned for her team to move forward, and they all made their way quickly around the wall while remaining in their single-file line. (Y/n) brought up the rear as they all kept close to the inside of the wall, using the slightly overgrown grass and shrubbery as cover.

The rebel at the head of the group stopped at a patch of thick ivy growing up the side of the castle itself, reaching out to pull back the leaves and tendrils. (Y/n) didn't realise she had been holding her breath until now, letting out a sigh of relief after seeing the hole for herself.

The rebel at the front stuck his head through the hole slowly, about to creep in when he reared back suddenly to face the rest of the group "It's an ambu-!" he cut off abruptly as he was dragged through the hole, and (Y/n) began to panic when she heard the thundering footsteps of guards coming their way.

An ambush? How? How did they know we were going to be here?!

(Y/n) had barely any time to think before it settled in that they had to move, now.

"Go! Quickly! To the emergency escape!"

Luckily for (Y/n), the rebellion had also planned a back-up in case something like this were to happen- except they had originally planned it for if they got caught, not ambushed.

The rest of (Y/n)'s squad began to frantically dash towards the back of the castle, where an inconspicuous bush lay covering a hole that lead under the castle wall. It would be easy for them to escape out that way without too much trouble.

(Y/n), not following after the group, pulled back the ivy screen and launched herself through the hole. The rebel that had been snatched was struggling in the grip of two stocky looking guards, a third standing idly by.

"I told you that they wouldn't just come in barging all at once through the hole," one guard was saying to the other.

"Yeah, well, obviously not! We almost didn't even catch this guy!" they all stopped talking as they seemed to notice (Y/n)'s presence.

"Hey fellas," she said, standing up. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" she quickly grabbed one of the guard's arms that were holding the rebel and inverted it at the elbow, causing the guard to jump back in pain. She kicked the other in the head, not hard enough to knock him out but enough to disorient him and make him let go of his grip.

Once the rebel was free (Y/n) pushed him towards the hole. "Go with the others! Out the escape!" he nodded without another word and dashed through the hole.

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