« ♡ » Chapter 7 - The Proposition

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"Well, that went exceedingly well," Die commented sarcastically. "You even managed to scare her half to death. I'll give you some credit, though, you kept your cool for longer than I'd expected you to."

Dark brushed some hair out of his face. "It's fine." He said plainly.

"She found the catch far sooner than you'd anticipated her to."

Dark didn't respond.

Die sighed. "I mean, after she'd become the first human to escape the dungeon single-handedly I thought that you'd be wise enough to not underestimate her."

"She escaped twice, actually," Anti called out. Dark and Die looked up to see Anti sitting on the windowsill of a rather high arched window above them, a leg dangling over its side while he tossed a knife into the air.

"Where have you been?" Die asked, his tone on the verge of being stern.

"Around," Anti responded.

"Get down from there,"

"Sorry, mum, but ye don't control me." Die sighed at this.

"Anti, we're having a serious discussion down here," Dark said, noticing that Die was becoming annoyed with Anti's attitude, but also clearly unsure of what to do. "And unless you have anything to input about the girl, kindly find another window to loiter in."

Anti caught his knife as it came down, turning to look down at the two. "Ye're talkin' about the human?"

"Yes," Die sighed. "I assumed that you had actually been listening to the conversation, but obviously I was incorrect..." he muttered.

"So I assume that the interrogation didn't go so well?" Anti dangled the top half of his body over the windowsill, still looking down at them.

"...Not particularly, no." Dark responded after a moment, turning around.

"Did ye get her to tell ya anything?" Anti asked in an exaggerated tone.

"No," Die answered for Dark, not wanting Anti to get on his nerves too much after the whole incident that had happened. "She has a far stronger will than we could've ever anticipated."

Anti raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so the whole "tryin' to assassinate the king" stunt that she pulled, or the fact that she escaped from the dungeon twice, didn't give ya that idea already?"

Die sighed. "I meant mentally. It takes a lot of focus and training to clear your mind to the extent that she has."

"Indeed," Dark added. "I usually find it quite easy to reach into someone's mind, especially a human's."

Anti furrowed his brow, jumping down from the windowsill effortlessly. "Wait, so you're tellin' me that ye couldn't get in at all?" he asked in a mixture of shock and amazement.

"She wasn't completely in control," Dark continued, walking towards a table placed at the edge of the room. "For example, if I prompted her enough, she would lose control of her emotions and once again her mind would flood with thoughts." He picked up an apple that was sitting on the table.

"I should have tried this method further, but unfortunately my temper got the better of me." He held the apple up as if to inspect it. "I won't let it happen again." And in one movement he crushed the apple in his hand, fruit flesh and juice spraying everywhere. When Dark opened his fist again, all that was left was the crushed remains of the apple.

Dusting his hands off, he turned to Die. "Ensure that no rations are given to her until further notice."

Die looked confused for a moment. "But my King-"

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