« ♡ » Chapter 9 - The Dinner

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"Wakey wakey, Flare!" the sound of Anti's loud voice jolted (Y/n) out of her sleep, Sparky too.

"What, is it time for dinner already?" (Y/n) yawned.

"What? No! Dark sent me to help you get ready!"

(Y/n) gave Anti a puzzled look. "To what?"

He reached forward and grabbed her arm, jerking it upwards hard enough for her to now be standing. "Ow! Watch it!" she hissed, rubbing her shoulder.

"There's no time to waste, human, you have to start preparing!"

"I am prepared, what else am I supposed to do to get ready?"

Anti looked her up and down quickly. "In those ratty clothes? How long have you even been wearing them for?"

(Y/n) felt a stab of embarrassment at Anti's comment. "Well... what am I supposed to wear?" she asked somewhat defensively.

Anti walked over to the closet and flung it open, revealing that it was actually a walk-in robe.

(Y/n) walked closer, noticing the countless clothing items that lined the walls inside. But not just clothes; shoes and accessories, too.

"How do I know any of it will fit?" (Y/n) gave Anti a doubtful look.

"It will, trust me." She gave him another look and he sighed. "Trust me," Anti said again. He shoved her inside before she could argue, slamming the door closed behind her.

(Y/n) walked towards one of the built-in clothing racks, beginning to shuffle through the various articles of clothing.

"Do I have to wear anything in particular?" She called out, hoping Anti was still standing outside the door. (Y/n) had thought he'd left until she heard him respond a few moments later.

"Nah, I don't think so. Just wear something... um, nice? Formal, maybe?"

"Why do you sound so unsure?"

"Formal settings aren't really my thing," Anti replied.

"And why did the king send you to get me ready, again?"

"Because you invited me as your plus one!"

(Y/n) went quiet.

"I can't believe I have to go to a stupid dinner now," She heard him mutter.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to," (Y/n) felt bad for making Anti tag along without having asked him first. Truthfully, half the reason she asked for him to come at all was that she felt a lot safer with someone else in the room, rather than her being purely alone with the king.

"What? Nah, I'll come along for the food. The food served at dinners is always the best!"

(Y/n) ended up pulling a black dress from the clothing rack, moving to the mirror and holding the dress in front of herself to see what it might look like when she wore it.

The top half of the dress was strapless with puffy sleeves, absolutely covered in black sparkly sequins and glitter. Upon closer inspection, it wasn't solid glitter and sequins, but rather, black fabric with intricate floral sequin patterns embroidered onto it.

The bottom half of the dress was rather short, reaching (Y/n)'s knees, and made out of frilly black fabric.

"I think I found what I want to wear," (Y/n) called out to Anti, reaching down to grab a pair of black flats.

"Nice. You can come out and have a shower or whatever you want to do, I'll be back soon to take you to the dining hall."

(Y/n) walked to the door of the robe and opened it, looking around the room to see that Anti had disappeared.

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