« ♡ » Chapter 16 - The Disagreement

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Anti teleported them into (Y/n)'s room and she looked around.

"Where are Sparky and Howl?" she asked quietly.

"No idea. I'll do you one better, though, what's that weird piece a paper you've got on ye?" Anti asked out of the blue. (Y/n) tensed up slightly.

"The what? I have no idea what you're on about, Anti. Honestly, try speaking English and next time I might understand you." She retorted, although her tone was very half-hearted.

Is he talking about the map? How does he know about it?

She thought frantically, her back facing Anti.

There's no way he saw it!

"How'd you get yer hands on this?" she heard him ask in amazement. (Y/n) spun around and saw Anti holding up the map, seemingly inspecting it.

"What?" she started patting down all of her pockets. "How did you-?"

"The better question is where in the hell did you find it?" Anti cut her off. "And I'm a demon, I could feel the magical energy radiatin' off this thing from the moment I touched ya."

"Give it back!" she exclaimed, rushing over to grab it. Anti raised it above his head so that she had no possible way of reaching it. "That's mine! It's none of your business where I found it!"

"Do you even know what it is?" Anti asked, pushing her away.

"Of course I do!" she said. "It's a weird... map... thing. Now give it back!"

Anti rolled his eyes. "No, you dipwad, it's the Charta Visus." He noticed (Y/n)'s blank expression. "The 'Paper of Seeing'? You nimrod, I knew you had no idea what it was!"

"Does it matter? I found it!" she argued.

"Where did you find it?" Anti pressed.


(Y/n) jumped up again to try and reach the map, inevitably being too short to reach it. A sudden knock at the door caught both of their attention, and (Y/n) took this opportunity to yank Anti's arm downwards and snatch the map back into her grasp.

Before Anti could protest the door opened to reveal Mandy- the maid who delivered (Y/n)'s meals.

"Hello, Mandy," (Y/n) said quickly, stuffing the map back into her pocket. Anti rolled his eyes again.

"H-Hello Commander," Mandy froze up for a moment upon seeing Anti in the room. She said nothing else, only looking quickly away from him as she scurried over to (Y/n)'s bedside table to set down the tray of food and promptly scurry back out.

When she'd gone (Y/n) pulled the map back out of her pocket, smoothing it out against her leg. She noticed the map had changed locations, now focussing on her room and it's surrounding areas.

"What makes ye think it's yours?" Anti asked exasperatedly, nodding towards the map as he crossed his arms over his chest. "It was made by demons, why should a human get to keep it?"

(Y/n) turned to look at him. "You might know what it's called, but do you know what it is?" he didn't reply. "Because it sounds to me like you're just making excuses so that you can keep it."

"Look, nobody knows what it is or where it came from- other than what it does," Anti explained.


"Nobody. Not even Dark." Anti said.

"How did you know it exists, then?" (Y/n) asked.

"I dunno. It just appeared one day, someone began to study it and then it disappeared again. It reappears and disappears through time but nobody knows why. It's older than the kingdom itself, the Charta Visus has been around for eons." Anti finished.

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