« ♡ » Chapter 4 - The Deal

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"You're going to an awful lot of trouble for one man, lass," Anti commented. "I can barely believe you escaped the dungeon unnoticed, let alone your cell."

"Don't worry, I wasn't the only one to escape my cell." (Y/n) quipped. Anti's face dropped for a moment, but he soon regained his peppy demeanour. "What can I say; you aren't The King's ward for nothing." She smiled.

"Alright," Anti's tone became gruff. "I've had just about enough of you."

He rushed forward, and (Y/n) did the same. She threw her sword downward but Anti jumped away.

This thing's fairly heavy; Antisepticeye has the advantage of a light weapon.

He zoomed past her and reared for an attack.

I'll just have to use that to my advantage.

As Anti readied for a harsh blow (Y/n) flung her sword against the blade of his knife. They clanged together, and (Y/n) tried her best to overpower him. But, much like Dark, Anti held his own pretty consistently.

"I noticed that you don't have any cuts from the glass," (Y/n) mustered out between the effort of pushing her blade down against Anti's.

"It'll take more than a silly little vase to dice me like a tomato, lass." He said.

"Weird metaphor, care to elaborate?"

(Y/n) shoved all of her weight against her sword, knocking Anti back slightly. He ran forward again and raised his knife above his head to slash (Y/n), but this time she deflected the blow with her sword, the knife bouncing off the metal blade.

"What, didn't you know that demons could heal minor wounds?" Anti asked in a mocking tone. "You keep preaching how great you are but ye don't know a whole lot about demons, do you?"

"I know enough." She said finally.

But as she readied herself to charge again Anti disappeared from her vision. (Y/n) looked around wildly, unable to locate him until she suddenly heard a voice behind her.

"I have plenty more tricks up my sleeve, lass." Before she could spin around and confront him, (Y/n) felt Anti strike her in the back of the head with something- which she assumed was the butt of his knife- and everything went black like the flick of a switch.


Like before, everything was dark... nothing to see, nothing to hear, and nothing to feel... no imagery in (Y/n)'s mind. Just pitch-black darkness.

And unlike before, where she woke up gradually, this time (Y/n) regained her consciousness almost instantly, a sense of panic present within her. Her panic only worsened when she noticed both Dark and Anti standing outside her cell, peering in.

It was sickeningly quiet in the dungeon now. No quiet murmuring of the other prisoners, no sound at all. Much like her unconscious state, there was nothing for her ears to perceive. (Y/n) almost wondered if she had gone deaf until Dark suddenly began to speak.

"Now I don't know about you, but I've come to notice that you are the only prisoner in the dungeon." He said. "Care to explain?"

(Y/n) was quiet, standing up after a brief instant.

"They're long gone by now." She responded to his question.

Dark clenched his jaw for a moment. "That I also noticed."

"What? Did your pea-brained guards come back empty-handed?" (Y/n) snapped. The dungeon remained still, her voice echoing ever so slightly down the long hall of empty cells.

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