« ♡ » Chapter 34 - The Stand-off

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"What do you mean he's waiting for us?" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"He's just... standing there." Die continued. "Expectantly. He's awaiting our arrival."

"Then let's give him what he wants," Anti said, now holding a knife that (Y/n) wasn't aware of before.

Die nodded, turning to Flare. "Anti and I will confront him through the main entrance so that you're able to sneak in through a door at the back of the room. From what I saw in my vision Dark is close to the throne at the back of the room as well."

Die handed the last vial to (Y/n). "Give this to Dark once you've freed him and hopefully it'll do some good in reversing the effects Blank has inflicted him with. Once he joins the fight we'll stand as good a chance as any against Blank."

Anti began to lead the way to the door and Die unlocked it, poking his head out before everyone left the room.

"Okay, to get to the back entrance of the throne room from here you're going to need to make your way towards the garden," Die began, "But take the third hallway on your left and then take the first right you come across. Then count carefully as you pass doors in that hallway and it should be the 5th on the right. Here's the key for the door."

(Y/n) nodded, taking the key from Die. "Good luck, both of you."

"You too, lass," Anti replied.

"Hopefully I see you guys after all of... this," she added.

"Of course you will!" Anti said. "We're gonna take Blank down easy peasy and then go out for drinks to celebrate!"

"I might pass on the drinks," Die said.

"Me too if there's only demon alcohol." (Y/n) agreed.

Anti threw his head back and sighed loudly. "Why can I never win?"

"You're about to! We're taking down Blank, remember?" (Y/n) joked. "See you guys on the other side."

"On the other side." Die nodded and began to make his way down the hallway.

"Hey! We can teleport there, you asshole!" Anti whisper-yelled after him. Die didn't stop. Anti sighed again before making his way after him. "See you later, lass!"

(Y/n) turned and began to run down the opposite end of the hallway, going over the directions Die had told her.

Third hallway on the left, first right, fifth door on the right. Third hallway, first right, fifth door.

Every corner she turned (Y/n) felt her heart beat louder and louder in her ears. She wouldn't have been surprised if she ran past a couple of guards without noticing. All she could think about was Blank. And the directions. And hoping to whatever god was out there that Dark was okay. That they would all be okay.

After following every other direction to a T, she was now in the final stretch. She just had to find the fifth door on the right.

First door.

Second door.

God, she hoped everything would turn out alright.

Third door.

After already losing everything once before she didn't know if she could go through all of that again.

Fourth door.

Stay strong. They need you right now. And to help them, you need to stay strong.

Fifth door.

(Y/n) reached out with a shaky hand and unlocked it with the key that Die had provided her with. She turned the doorknob as slowly and quietly as possible, pulling it open to reveal a red curtain. She heard talking from the other side.

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