« ♡ » Chapter 29 - The Fall

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"Commander Flare, I'm sure that you're well aware of the reason we have requested your presence today," Elijah began. (Y/n) nodded curtly.

"Yes, I am." She was sitting in the dingey old metal chair placed in the centre of the room, James standing not too far behind her.

"Even before your arrival to this room, the board has collectively decided on such a punishment suited to your situation."

"A debriefing will be required of you," Oliver continued, "And then you will be placed under what is essentially 'house arrest' inside your barracks. Meals will be delivered to you there."

"What?" Flare seemed to be in disbelief, but the board members continued on after one another.

"During this time you will also be required to attend mandatory sessions in which you will recount your time at the castle in great detail," Elijah spoke again. Then it was Ari who continued; "These sessions will also include some form of talk therapy to counteract the clear trauma you will have sustained from your time being captured."

"How long will all of this last?" (Y/n) asked somewhat anxiously, gripping the frail arms of the metal chair.

"Four months in total for house arrest, an undecided period of time for your counselling sessions," Courtney explained.

"Are you serious right now?" (Y/n) felt hysterical. "I don't need any of that! You're just going to- to ground me and lock me in a room?!"

"If required we will take further action to ensure that these measures are met," Elijah replied sinisterly.

Hunter must have been put off by Flare's clear distress. "We're sorry, Commander, but there is a process we must follow for these kinds of situations."

"Are you certain that nothing else can be done?" James stepped forward.

"Silence!" Courtney snapped.

"No! This isn't fair!" (Y/n) stood up from the chair quickly, apparently with enough force to knock it over. "You can't do this! I need to leave, you don't understand!"

"There will be no 'leaving' the base, Commander. If you're suggesting a move against Blank then certainly not. The situation is far too out of our hands for the time being," Courtney said.

"Clearly she is more unhinged than we first thought," Elijah muttered to his fellow board members after a moment.

"Brash words, but I must agree. Perhaps further psychological evaluation should be taken?" Oliver suggested.

"I'm still here! And I'm not crazy!" (Y/n) yelled, becoming agitated. "You don't understand what I've seen! What I know, what I've experienced! While you all sit up there on your thrones we've been suffering under your boots! You're as disgusting as the demons we swore to overthrow!" James had to step in as (Y/n) began to lunge towards the bench.

"Flare, calm down, alright?" He murmured to her, trying his best not to hurt her while he dragged her back.

"Keep her under control, general, and take her directly to the rebellion's psychologist," Courtney ordered. Without another word James nodded, pulling (Y/n) out of the room and closing the door before another scene could be caused.

"Flare, are you alright?" James asked sincerely after a moment.

(Y/n) jerked her arm out of his grip. "I'm fine."

"Look, I know this is unfair, but I beg you to stay calm about this-"

(Y/n) spun around to face him again. "'Stay calm'? Are you serious? What on Earth do you think I've been doing the past three years?" She seethed. "I'm so over 'calm'! It doesn't matter anymore! None of it does!" She snapped, eyes boring into James. A moment of silence passed.

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