« ♡ » Chapter 32 - Allied Forces

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"So... That 'hypothetical question' about The King being the one who freed you was actually true, then?" Reef asked after a moment. (Y/n) felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her for some reason.

"He what?" Die jumped in.

I knew it! Felix exclaimed suddenly, and Die physically jumped at the sound of his voice after so long of silence.

Good satan, Felix! How long have you been able to surface for?

Since you and Anti got tied up. I looked through your recent memories to get an idea of what was going on.

"Don't worry about it," Flare replied somewhat hastily, "I-I'll explain it later." She cursed herself for stammering.

"So all of this is why you had to leave again?" Brandy asked.

"Yes, but believe me- I didn't want to." Flare explained. "But there was no way I could just... forget everything that happened while I was away from the rebellion. And it's why I came back here in the first place- that's why I need all of you to trust me."

"So, what can we do to help you?" James asked suddenly.

"We're going to need to use the tunnels again," (Y/n) asked rather boldly. "Anti and Die are too weak right now to teleport us all the way to the castle and they need to save their remaining strength for Blank."

"Anything else?"

"Perhaps a distraction?" Die asked. Everyone looked at him and waited for him to continue. "Blank seems to have brainwashed the entire royal guard... there's no way we're going to be able to get in, even by use of the tunnel system, without getting noticed rather quickly. Especially since it seems as though he will be expecting us." Die elaborated.

"Satan, they were all stupid enough anyway..." Anti muttered, apparently referring to the guards.

"We might not be able to divert all of them, but we can certainly cause enough commotion to draw at least some of them out," Reef offered.

"It would have to be us," James continued. "It would be selfish for me to try and order anyone to go through with something like this. If you're willing to be a part of the cause then I'll be extremely grateful to you for joining me on this mission," He said, speaking directly to the rebellion members present.

"Of course we will!" Trevor exclaimed.

"Do you even need to ask, General?" Brandy had a grin on her face.

"Alright, then," James turned to face Die again. "We'll set up a distraction in the town and try to lead as many guards as we can away from the castle. Will that be enough?"

"That will be plenty, thank you, General." Die responded warmly.

"I think that should be everything we can possibly plan for right now," Flare concluded.

"What about the dweeb?" Anti asked, gesturing towards Liam.

"Shit, you're right," Brandy exclaimed. "The moment he's conscious he'll run straight to the board. Wait- aren't you going to get into major trouble for this, General?" James turned to look at her. "You'll be labelled as a conspirator alongside us."

"Screw the board," James exclaimed. "I'd rather die fighting for a worthy cause than sit idly by and order other people to do it," he muttered. Flare, Brandy, Trevor and Reef all began to smile.

"So what should we do with Liam?" Brandy reiterated.

"We could always tie him up again?" Reef suggested.

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