« ♡ » Chapter 22 - Backstabbing Demons

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Dark tapped his finger impatiently on the armrest of his throne, wishing he had specified when the rebellion was supposed to show up to the castle.

This had better be worth my while, especially after all the trouble this human has caused me...

Worth YOUR while? You act like she isn't the one literally imprisoned in your castle! Mark exclaimed.

Would you rather me throw her back in the dungeon? Dark got no response. That's what I thought.

It was about midday by now, and Dark was as bored as he could be. He'd been sitting on his throne for hours now. If he heard one more 'how much longer?' or 'when are they showing up again?' Dark swore he would find a way to murder Mark's soul.

Just as Dark was about to leave from sheer boredom the front doors opened up to reveal a man being led in by two guards. As they got closer Dark noticed the man's greying hair, suggesting that he was older in his years.

"Who on Earth are you?" Dark asked, sounding rather disappointed.

The man looked like he was going to reply when one of the guards stepped forward instead.

"He claims to be General of the Blaze Rebellion, your highness," the guard said.

Dark squinted at the guard. "I'm sorry; is this man mute?" he rolled his eyes when the guard only stared back with a blank expression.

"Is he deaf?" Dark continued.

"N-no, your highness-" the guard muttered out finally.

"Good, he can speak for himself then."

The guard seemed a little taken aback, but quickly resumed his position at the old man's side. Dark looked to the man expectantly.

"General James Jones," he said rather sourly, glancing between the two large wolves perched at either side of the throne. "If I remember correctly you had some kind of deal in place?"

A smile made its way onto Dark's face. "Oh? So you're offering yourself up, now, are you?"

"Wasn't that an option you suggested when you broadcasted your ugly mug halfway across the world?" James retorted.

"Don't push your luck, General," Dark warned him, still smiling. "But- yes, that was one of the ideas I proposed. However, I can't say that I'm not still surprised."

Dark stood up, walking down a small set of stairs that led up to his throne so he could stand face-to-face with James.

"Does your precious Commander truly mean this much to you?" Dark taunted, and James didn't respond for a moment.

"I'm here now, aren't I? All you have to do is hold up your end of the bargain." James stated.

Dark turned around, holding his arms behind his back as he thought to himself. "Actually..."

James gulped. Maybe he should have listened to Brandy and Reef after all.

"If Flare really means this much to you, then..." Dark turned back around. "I'd be foolish not to keep her."

"What?" James looked a little bewildered.

"Take him away," Dark shooed the guards with his hand, and they immediately grabbed James by either arm and began to haul him towards the dungeon.

"You bastard!" James yelled back, kicking and fighting to get out of the guards' grip. "You lied! Bastard! Bastard!"

James' voice echoed around the castle as he was carted away.

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