« ♡ » Chapter 8 - The Ridiculous Plan

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"What are we going to do, General?" Brandy asked again.

"I told you, I don't know," James responded. He sounded almost as if he was out of breath- not that he'd been running recently.

Brandy slammed her hands onto the table. "We have to do something!"

"Brandy, I know you feel like this is your fault, but it isn't." Reef said.

"If anything, I'd say we're all partly to blame," Marcie added in a soft voice. "We all knew the date was special to her. And deep down, we all knew she'd try something like this..." Reef and James nodded solemnly while Brandy continued to pace the room.

"What?" Trevor piped up. "What do you mean? Special how?"

Brandy looked between Reef, Marcie and James before she spoke.

"It was the day that Flare's... the day that Flare's entire family was murdered under The King's order."

Trevor looked stunned for a moment.

"To the day you met her, three years ago," James added. "We shouldn't have taken the risk of assigning her to the mission."

It went quiet.

"It's not like there's a whole lot we can do now," Reef started somewhat hesitantly. "She's just going to have to tough it out for a while longer-"

Brandy's voice raised over Reef's suddenly.

"How much longer? How much longer can she take? God knows what they're doing to her! No doubt they're trying to get information about the rebellion out of her!"

"And we just have to pray that she doesn't crack," James said.

Brandy turned her fierce gaze towards him. "Flare leaking information about the rebellion is the least of my worries right now." Silence filled the room again. "My friend- our friend, is imprisoned by that monster who sits on the throne. Flare is like family to all of us, and the first thing that comes to your mind is the safety of the rebellion over her's?"

"Brandy, you know that's not what he meant," Reef tried to defend their general, but Brandy had already begun to storm out of the room.

"You two should go to her," James said after a moment, dismissing Marcie and Reef. "This whole ordeal is taking a huge toll on Brandy, and she needs her friends by her side."

Reef and Marcie stood up, saluting their general before rushing after Brandy.

James remained, thinking deeply to himself.

"I understand Brandy's anger, but I also understand your side of this, too." Trevor said, and James looked up at him.

"After all; we can't get her out of there if The King comes knocking on the rebellion's door."

James nodded. "Flare was right," he smiled. "We do need you here."

Trevor smiled back. "I'm honoured that you think so, General."


Dark stared down at the papers on his desk absentmindedly. All he could think about was Die's preposterous plan to 'befriend' the human prisoner.

That is utterly ridiculous,

Dark told himself again. He stared at the papers a moment longer before grimacing slightly.

I don't think I'm in the mood to sign documents right now.

Dark stood, putting down his pen and stacking the papers together neatly before setting them to the side of the desk.

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