Act 2; Scene 15: Wait for Me (reprise)

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(Thomas puts his arm around Rose and a hand on Virgil's shoulder, and leads them downstage. He then drops his hands and starts pacing. Virgil looks over at Rose. She looks between and gestures for him to talk to Thomas.)

Virgil: What is it?

Thomas: Well, the good news is, he said that you can go

Rose and Virgil: He did?

Roman, Patton, and Logan: He did?

(Thomas stops pacing and looks at Rose and Virgil)

Thomas: He did, but there's bad news though

Rose: What is it?

Thomas: You can leave, but it won't be like you planned

Virgil: What do you mean?

Rose: Why not?

Thomas: Well, you won't be hand in hand
You won't be arm in arm, side by side, and all of that
He said you have to walk in front, and he has to walk in behind

Virgil: Why?

Thomas: And if she turns around to make sure you're coming too
Then she goes back to Darktown
And the war continues on

Rose: But why?

Thomas: You have to end the war, and you can only use your powers
If not, you go back to Darktown

(Virgil starts shaking and grabs onto Rose's hand.)

Virgil: It's a trap

Thomas: It's a trial
Do you trust each other?
Do you trust yourselves?

(Rose grabs both of Virgil's hands and smiles.)

Rose and Virgil: We do

Thomas: Well listen, you two
If you want to end this war
You're gonna have to prove it before everyone in the battlefield
Can you do that?

Rose and Virgil: We can

(Remus walks in and claps loudly.)

Remus: A'ight, time to go!

(Virgil walks over to Thomas and grabs his arm.)

Virgil: Thomas?

Thomas: Yes?

Virgil: It's not a trick?

Thomas: No, it's a test

(Thomas walks downstage and is talking to the audience. Virgil and Rose turn around and are talking to the rest of the Sander's brothers, and Remus.)

Thomas: The struggles the two will now face are ones that will change the world
They have to end the war with only faith to keep them strong
They have to trust each other now, or peace will never come.
It's love that they need now
Before it all is over

(Virgil and Rose walk downstage and hold each other. Rose's necklace glows purple, orange, and yellow.)

Virgil and Rose: Wait for me, I'm coming
Wait, I'm coming with you
Wait for me, I'm coming too
I'm coming too

Workers: Show her the way so we can see
Show her the way the world can be
If you can do it, so can she
If she can do it, so can we
Show her the way
Show her the way the world can be
Show her the way so we believe
We will follow where you lead
We will follow with you
Show her the way

(Remus walks over to Janus when Janus walks onstage. He grabs his hand softly)

Remus: Think they'll make it?

(Janus looks at him and shakes his head.)

Janus: I don't know

Remus: Janus, you're letting them go

Janus: I'm letting them try

Remus: Then how about us?
Is there any hope for you and I?

(Janus takes his hand back and steps back.)

Janus: You should go with them
We'll try again when you get back

Remus: Wait for me?

Janus: I will

(The lights come back up, and we see Virgil and Rose hugging everyone. Rose goes from Patton, to Roman, to Logan, to Thomas while Virgil does the opposite. When Virgil is done hugging his brothers Jeff, Charles, Megan, Hugo, and Alex grab his arm and tug him away.)

All: Wait for me, I'm coming
Wait, I'm coming with you
Wait for me, I'm coming too
I'm coming too

Alex: Who are you?

Jeff: Who do you think you are?

Jeff and Alex: Who are you?

Charles: Who are you to lead her?

Megan: Who are you to lead them?

Hugo's besides Janus: Who are you to think that you can hold your head up higher than your leather bag?

(Rose walks over to them and grabs Virgil's arm. She takes them over to where Thomas and Remus are waiting for them.)

Thomas: You have a lonesome road to walk
It ain't along the railroad track and it ain't along the black-top tar
You've walked a hundred times before
I'll tell you where the real road lies:
Between your ears, behind your eyes
That is the path to paradise
Likewise, the road to ruin

(Remus walks over to Rose and Virgil and shakes their hands. Janus walks next to him, nods his head, and walks offstage. The Sander's siblings, besides Virgil, walks over and starts walking on the trail that will lead them home safely, but so they can still watch Virgil and Rose. The two lovers embrace each other one last time, and share a kiss.)

All: Wait for me, I'm coming
Wait, I'm coming with you
Wait for me, I'm coming too
Wait for me, I'm coming
Wait, I'm coming with you
Wait for me, I'm coming
Show her the way

(Rose pulls away, smiles at him with her necklace still glowing, and starts walking down the trail with both Virgil and Remus following her.)

Rose: I'm coming wait for me
I hear the people screaming
The falling off their feet and
It sounds like drumming
And we are not alone
I hear the rocks and stones echoing our song
I'm coming

(The lights go down and it goes silent.)

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